Day 3

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"Hey Poppy, can you pass me my tie?" I requested Poppy.
"Yup. There you go. Umm... hey did you see that pink file that I was carrying with me yesterday? I need to show the project today and I can't find that file." she said.
"I think I saw it last time on your shelf. I don't know if it is elsewhere..." I replied.
"Hmmm... okay. I'll look into the shelf again." and she went.

I got ready for school while Poppy was still having trouble in finding her pink file. I had already completed the homework given by Mrs. Brown and I was about keep Drew's book in my bag. While keeping the book, I saw Poppy's pink file. I rushed to the dining room to give her the file.
"Thank you, Candy. Where did you find it?"
"Well, I found it in my school bag, but I don't know how."
"Whatever, I got my file anyways. Okay, bye Candy, bye Mum."
"Bye sweetie." said Mum.

I, too, ate my breakfast and went off to school. Mrs. Brown said earlier that she would make an announcement that day. I knew my day was going to be the same as usual, but it wasn't. I had no idea that, that Monday would be my Doomsday. Unaware of this fact, I went to school.

"Hi, Candy! Hey, you said your Aunt Martha was visiting you all right? What did she bring for you this time?" asked my best friend Amelia.
"Yeah, she brought us TONS of presents! You won't believe how expensive bottles of cologne she bought for us!" I replied.
"Wow! I wish I would have an Aunt like your Aunt Martha. Oh, I forgot. Did you do your homework? What did Dexter asked you to do?"
"Yeah, I've done my homework. Dexter said that was the best for me to do."
"Oh, good."
Mrs. Brown entered as we finished our conversation.

"Good morning, students."
"Good morning, Mrs. Brown."
"Now students, I have to make an announcement to make."
"Finally, I was waiting for this." said Amelia, with excitement.
"Now, shush. Let her speak." I said.
"There's going to be a school play based on the story, 'The Tempest'. Interested students can give their names to Mr. Moore." Mrs. Brown said.
"What the hell? I expected so much from Mrs. Brown. This was her announcement to make?" said Amelia with a frown.
"I didn't expect this either. So, are you gonna participate in this play?" I said.
"Only on one condition. If they get Gary to play the role of Ferdinand. Then I'll consider taking part."
"Oh yeah, there's going to be a Ferdinand right. Fine then, I have the same condition too."
"This is the reason why we are best friends."
"Yeah totally..."
Mrs. Brown started teaching just after that. Soon the period was over and I will just skip it to the recess.

"Candy, Amelia, did you guys hear the news?" said Victor. He was one of our friends and our news reporter. He was the guy who knew everything about everyone in the school. I still wonder how he did that.
"Yeah, that tornado play. We heard too." said Amelia.
"It's the The Tempest, Amy." I said.
"Yeah whatever."
"No you idiots. It's about Dylan and Jeannette."
"Yay!!!! Finally.... Ladies and gentlemen, please hold on to your seats as Victor Thurman presents before y'all the second episode of 'The Dylan and Jeannette Show'...... Clap, clap, clap." I said with extreme enjoyment.
"Yeah, please tell me what happened with them." said Amelia.
"Okay, so you know that I am friends with EVERYONE in the school, and just like that, I am also a good friend of Dylan. So, I asked him about his relationship with Jeannette and you won't believe what he said about her."
"What did he say?"
"What did he say, Vic? Come on."
"You guys are not letting me speak. Yeah, so, where was I? Oh yeah. So, Dylan said that........."
"What the......."
"Yes.... And trust me I'm not lying. His exact words were,
"Yeah, you know I'm thinkin' that I should break up with up Jeannette."
"Why dude? You seemed to be pretty much into her. What happened?"
"I actually fell for her 'cause she looked awesome on Instagram. I had no idea that she would be so ugly in reality."
"Come on, bro. You shouldn't judge someone by their appearance."
"I know, but I don't have any other choice. Her voice is like a wounded crow. She looks like a vulture. She dresses up like a pig. She eats like a bear. Now tell me, would you date someone like her, Vic?"
"Umm... well, I....uhh...."
"You wouldn't, Vic. I won't either."

"And he departed. So.......... Do you guys want the same thing as me?"
"Definitely." said Amelia.
"Absolutely." I said.
We immediately rushed to Jeannette and told her that we heard some flying rumours about Dylan saying some things about her. Guess what happened next. She showed up to Dylan and slapped him so hard there was five fingers' print on his cheek! And an interesting fact. He still wonders who told Jeannette about his dislike towards her!

We then started our discussion about that play.
"Hey guess who's playing the role of Ferdinand in the play. It's Shawn!" said Vic.
"Well, did I tell you guys something?" I said, bit nervously.
"What?" They asked.
"Well, umm.... Mrs. Lockwood has already selected me for the role of Miranda..." I said.
"You lucky SOB! You and Shawn are gonna be together?" yelled Amelia.
"I guess......."
"Wow! I can't believe my best friend is finally gonna be in a relationship with someone." said Vic.
"Oh shut up, Vic. I won't be with a guy who stays with other girls every time. We are good friends and that's it. Plus, there are so many guys out there. Why would I fall for Shawn anyways?"
"Yeah, I agree with her. He should not be trusted." said Vic.
Just then the bell rang and our recess was over.
"Can I please take Candice Turner for a moment?" said Mrs. Lockwood, our drama teacher.
"Yeah sure." said Mr. Stone.
"Yes ma'am you needed me?"
"Yes, Candice. We will be practicing our play today. But before that I need you to take all the participants' phone numbers just in case you change your mind. The instruction is same for everyone." said Mrs. Lockwood.
"Okay, Mrs. Lockwood."
I had the phone numbers of most of the students, except for Shawn. So I immediately took his number and we were soon practicing our play.
That day we got only an intro to the play. Plus we knew most of the play anyways.
We returned to home from school afterwards.
"Wash your hands and face, sweetie." said Mum.
"Yup, Mum."
Then suddenly Poppy's phone rang. I didn't have a phone of my own so I used Poppy's phone. It was an unknown number.
"Phyllis Turner this side. Who's speaking?"
"I am Shawn Denvers. I need to talk to Candy."
"Candy, it's for you." said Poppy.
"Hello, who is it?"
"I am Shawn. Mrs. Lockwood asked me to let everyone know that from tomorrow we're gonna practice in the Drama Hall."
"Okay. Is that it?"
"Oh yeah one more thing. She asked me to send you a script of The Tempest. Can I send it right now?"
"Yup, you can."

I did not realize that those three words could destroy me. Anyways, I hung up the phone and went down to play with Leah. She was a year younger than me but we used to get along. I returned home by 5.

My Mum always checks Poppy's phone just to confirm she is not doing any mischievous activity. So she also checks who are texting her. She then saw a message from Shawn. She knew it was my script but she saw that he sent a video. If only I knew what was that video...

"CANDY!! COME HERE!!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU.... IT'S VERY URGENT." Mum yelled a lot louder than usual. I couldn't understand that what is it that I've done that she wants to talk to me so urgently. I rushed immediately to Mum's room.
"Yeah, Mum. What's the matter?"
"Who is Shawn?"
"Well, he's my batchmate. Why?"
"He's not in your class?"
"No, he's not in my class."
"Then why did he text you?"
"Oh we're in the same play, 'The Tempest'. He must've sent me the script that Mrs. Lockwood asked him to send."
"Oh really? Well I don't suppose this is something related to The Tempest."
And she showed me the video.
It was an adult video (if you understand what I mean) and it consisted of some of the violent behaviours done by the adults. It felt for a moment that I don't have any voice in my larynx and even if I wanted to say something it would get stuck like a rock. Literally meaning that I was speechless. Plus I was scared as hell as I imagined the consequences of the present scenario.

The conclusion to this situation was that a. I was grounded, b. I was not allowed to touch Poppy's phone for 3 months, c. No TV and d. I wouldn't get my pocket money for another 6 months. So basically, I was dead. I WAS DEAD. For all those days I was dead. Till this date, Shawn and I fight over 'the video' topic.

That day was just the unluckiest day of my life.

'Whenever you feel lonely in your life always keep this thought in mind that you are not alone. You have a mirror and hence you have yourself to comfort.'

- Life Lesson No. 3

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