Drowning in you [1/2]

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[Mature content up ahead, please do not proceed if it makes you uncomfortable]

+ Episode 4 spoilers

He wasn’t going to be a baby about it. Daisuke had too much pride for that. It was just liquor, after all. At least, that’s what he’d always tell himself.

Never would Daisuke admit to Haru that something happens to him when he drinks too much: something “out of character”, as Suzue once coined it. For he firmly believed that as long as he’s able to keep his mouth shut while intoxicated, it’s not something that he really needs to worry about.

What Daisuke didn’t know was Haru felt the same exact way.

They continued to sit across each other, Haru telling funny accounts about his workmates, with Daisuke keeping silent and simply letting his partner do all the talking. It was a very good way to divert his attention from saying things he might regret later, Haru thought.

Something happens to Haru whenever he drinks too much, too. Nothing too far from how he’d normally act on a bad day but definitely a lot more intense than how he’d actually like. He learned that the hard way from Hoshino years back — a bittersweet memory he’d rather not recall at the moment.

Haru poured him another round of soju despite the three times he asked if he were sure because he might already be drunk. Daisuke insisted he could still handle it. (They normally drank the finest wines and the hardest imported liquors at home, so what’s a few cups of soju gonna do to him?) They’ve been at it for an hour now, beer cans long empty and discarded, the dirty dishes wiped clean of the curry that Haru cooked.

Daisuke was already rose-colored on the cheeks, a bit flushed right along the bridge of his pointed nose. Haru tried not to stare. He really did. But at that point, he figured, there’s no way Daisuke hasn’t noticed. He’s been looking quite intently since he came out of the shower earlier, after all. Maybe Daisuke was just being Daisuke, choosing not to pay any attention and ignoring things around him that he didn’t find worth his words.

It’s something Haru was actually grateful for, because at least he could continue stealing glances in peace.

There was something about seeing Daisuke wearing his old hoodie that intrigued him. Something about the very meek appearance in front of him sent jolts and dare he even say, excitement down his spine. The guy was usually seen in his thousand-dollar suits, custom-fitted coats, and polished leather shoes. Seeing him in hand-me-down clothes, which Haru just bought off the discount racks in the mall, just felt so fascinating. And while Haru’s never really been blinded by the flashy ensembles, Daisuke in relaxed house clothing made Haru appreciate how… cute the younger man could actually look. No pomade, no accessories, none of that fancy costly stuff. Just Daisuke looking all vulnerable and sleepy with his hair down and a brightly colored garment — Haru can see how human he could actually look.

Daisuke downed his cup easily, wiping his mouth with an oversized sleeve. When he stood to head to the toilet, he felt a slight blur in his vision and stumbled a bit in his tracks. Daisuke continued to walk however, ignoring the concerned call from Haru.

Haru turned back to his drink. He was starting to feel a faint heat pooling in his gut. Was Daisuke going home after this? He sure as hell hoped so. He’s not sure what might happen if they kept drinking like this. Haru was not going to take any risks — he’s made mistakes in the past that involved curry, soju, and a guy staying over his place. He was no fool.

So he started to clean up. He was a bit tipsy but he wasn’t far gone. He could still see and think clearly. “We’re adults, not some irresponsible teenagers,” Haru told himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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