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{Here is some random facts about me so yes :3}

Name: Morrigan or Maebry
Pronouns:Any will do!
Sexuality: Omnisexual.
Likes: Rainbows, Cuddles, Aesthetics,my friends,my puppy, memes, any type of horror, webtoon,animo, sappy romance movies, books and more books, fluffy things, hedgehogs and much more!!
Dislikes: Heights, being left alone, people hating me, my low self esteem, my height, my body, just myself will do haha- umm roaches, drugs and alcohol, half of my damn homophone family, um that's it I think?
Fandoms: Jojo, Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, um, I have alot of more fandoms but they all died so-
Status: Happily Taken By Fictional Characters<3
Nicknames: Moonfly,Hoineybunches, Cutie Pie, Morri, Alyss,Neptune,Alyson, Etc!
Kinnies: Risotto,Jonathan, Jotaro,Suzi Q,Doppio,Fugo, Kakyoin,Trish, Pucci, etc heh-
Favorite Color:Purple and Black
Favorite Food: Fooooood :3{not a big fan of tomatoes or liver tho-}
Fun Fact: I like to edit random things when I'm bored and sleep XD

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