Chapter 11-The note

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Carter's POV

We get back to my house and I carry Kenzie's bags inside. Kenzie runs upstairs, and I carry her bags upstairs behind her.

I walk into her room and Kenzie is laying down in her bed, with her face in a pillow.

I set her bags down in the corner, then I sit down on the bed next to her. I slowly start rubbing her back and I try to get her to stop crying.

"Baby please let me hold you." I say quietly.

Kenzie sits up and looks at me for a couple seconds but then she crawls into my lap. She wraps her arms around me and I wrap my arms tightly around her small body.

"Shh everything's going to be okay." I say softly, rubbing her back slowly.

Kenzie stops crying after a while but she still stays in my arms.

"Kenzie, I need you to answer a question for me..."


"Did your father abuse you?"

Kenzie starts crying uncontrollably and I take that has a yes.

"It's okay beautiful, he can't hurt you anymore. I'll keep you safe."

She cries into my chest and I rub her back slowly, trying to calm her down.

"C-Carter?" She asks quietly, with her face still in my shoulder.

"Yes, love?" I say.

"Thank y-you for f-fighting my dad."

"No problem." I say.

She pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. She leans in and kisses my lips quickly. When I smile at her, she blushes & looks away.

I pick her up off my lap and sit her down next to me on the bed.

I go to say something but my phone rings.

"Carter." I say when I pick up.

"We have a problem."

"What is it?" I ask.

"The other gang found out about the girl you kidnapped."

"W-what?!" I kind of yell into the phone.

"They left a note on the front door to our hangout."

"Bring the note to my house right now, and also tell everyone to come here right now." I say then I hang up the phone.

"W-what happened?" Kenzie asks.

"They know about you." I say.

"W-what do you mean?" She asks.

"The other gang. They found out about you..." I say.

"Please don't let them get me Carter." Kenzie says putting her hand on my arm.

I look up at her and smile softly,

"You're not leaving my sight. I'm going to protect you, don't worry sweetheart." I say then I kiss her forehead.

"Okay." She says quietly.

I take her hand and I pull her downstairs with me. We stand by the front door and wait for my gang to get here. Two cars pull into my driveway and I let everyone into my house. There are 13 people in my gang, and we all sit down in the living room. I tell Kenzie to sit down in the corner and I walk back & forth.

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