Autumn ☾

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A/N: Before I begin the story, please note that chapters with the '☾' symbol have no actual relevance to those chapters with the '♡' symbol. Basically, these are mini one shots, stories that have no continuation, just some things I wrote on a whim. Now that that has been cleared up, I hope you enjoy the story!

"I love you.."

Those three words that took so long for me to say.

"I love you too."

Those four words I longed for you to say back to me.

"I'm sorry.."

Those two words I was terrified of hearing.


That one word that had the ability to break my heart into a million pieces.

Love.. What does it mean to love someone? That was a question I asked myself my entire life. I didn't know what love meant, the word 'love' was a myth to me. That was, until you came into my life. Every time you smiled, I always found myself smiling back. Every time you cried, I always wanted to hug you tightly and tell you that everything would be okay, that I am here for you. It broke my heart seeing you cry every night yet still smile and pretend to be alright. Why won't you let me into your heart? You helped me up when I was in my lowest, why won't you let me do the same thing for you? It pained me. Seeing you suffer. If only there was a way to take away all of your pain for myself, so you could smile again. 

Your smile.. so warm, so pure, so genuine. Lately I've noticed that the smile of yours I treasure so much, it had been hiding so many hidden emotions. Your eyes lost the sparkle they had in them. I want to run after you. I want to take you away. Into a world without pain and suffering. A world where we could both be happy, where we wouldn't be judged by anyone, where we could be free.

On that day. That windy autumn evening. Under the giant willow tree. After 10 long years. You were looking up at the falling leaves, your eyes focused on the sky above us. The sky was beginning to darken, showing that it was about to begin to rain. The wind picked up and began blowing harder, your long, black hair moved along with the wind, the wind causing the leaves to fall down, one landing on your forehead. I could only stand there speechless. You turned around to look at me, the smile I treasured on your face. Holding the fallen leaf against your chest.

"Spring is over isn't it? Did you know? I won't be around here for much longer.. I'll miss you a lot! Remember me, okay?"

That fateful autumn evening.. Was the day I told you what I always wanted to tell you. And.. It was the day we said goodbye.
You turned away from me again, walking farther and farther away from me. You smiled and walked farther and farther, the fallen leaves making it look like a scene out of a movie, mesmerised, I repeated your name over and over again, my voice getting louder and louder until you finally turned around to look at me. And as if time stopped, the heavy wind began to stop, slowly but surely. And when the last leaf fell to the ground. I said those three words. Oh how I wished to turn back time the very moment I said those words. I wanted so badly to lock you up somewhere, where I could keep you all to myself. Where only I could see your smile, I didn't want you to grow up, I didn't want you to leave my sight. Yet I couldn't. Why? Why did I have to say those words?

"I love you."

Till this day, I'm still waiting for your reply.

Before I could say anything more, you cut me off by wrapping your arms around me. And soon after, you smiled and slowly vanished from my sight, leaving behind an autumn leaf in the place you were standing, your voice echoed in the quiet room, leaving me alone, the never ending tears falling when I heard your last words.

"Don't you remember? I'm not real.. a figment of your imagination.. that's all I am."

If I hadn't told you.. would you still have been at my side?

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