I Wish I Were Heather

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I still remember
Third of December
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me

than it did you

Eddy grabbed the sweater even more tightly, his tears fighting to come out. The soft music fills Eddy's quiet room, the distant laughing coming out of his living room. The boy began to sob as he bent over and put his face in his pillow, softening his sobs so his family in the living room wouldn't hear him. His heart felt like it was squeezed, all the pain from his heart rose up to his throat. He wanted to scream, he wanted to scream all his pain out, but he couldn't. He squeezed the sweater against his chest, where his shattered heart is. His eyes were closed tight, but the tears came rushing out like it was open. His tears wet his pillow and he started to sweat from the burn in his body. His heart was burning with rage, shattered because it was broken, and was in pain because of the one boy. He cursed. He sobbed. He was in pain. He slowly began to remember the painful, yet precious memory he had.


Eddy rushed to the orchestra hall where he would have his first orchestra rehearsal with his school's orchestra. He was excited, yes, but his heart was beating faster not for his first rehearsal, it was because he was going to see the one boy, Brett Yang. Eddy's face lit up as he opened the door to the orchestra hall. His eyes immediately began wondering around, focusing on each person, and he finally found his crush. Eddy cleared his throat and walked quietly to his section, which is the first violin. He settled on the back row when he heard a familiar voice call out to him. 

"Hey! You're Eddy, am I right?" the voice said as Eddy quickly turned his head around to find Brett walking towards him. Eddy's heart began to pound faster, the blood rushed so fast to his face and Eddy blushed. 

"Um- Uh- Yeah," Eddy replied without making eye contact. He was shy. He was so shy, he failed to make his second impression on Brett. 

"Alright! Nice to meet you, Eddy! But this row isn't for you," Brett said with a lively tone.

Eddy looked up at Brett. What? I'm not in first violin? No, this can't be true. They told me themselves that I was decided to be in the first violin section.

"Eddy?" Brett said in a worried tone as he stared at Eddy's frightened face. Eddy snapped out of it and took his violin quickly. He nodded and quickly walked away towards the second violin section. 

"Hey! Where are you going?" Brett called out to Eddy as he slung his arms around Eddy's shoulder. Eddy stopped in his tracks and stood quietly. That moment felt like an anime moment. Eddy just had his first interaction with his long-time crush. In that few seconds, Eddy felt like it was only him and Brett standing in a white space. Oh my god, he touched me

"Hmm? Eddy, come on, you're in the row behind me," Brett said as he turned Eddy around and walked back towards the first violin section. Eddy was still shocked that Brett had put his arms on Eddy's shoulder. That meant that Brett considered Eddy as his friend. Wow, Eddy said in his mind as he sighed out of relief. 

"Why am I so far front? I mean, I'm just a newbie, after all," Eddy asked Brett shyly. Brett laughed. 

"Bro, you are a pro. I can tell. You're like better than 80% of the violinists in the first violin section," Brett whispered to Eddy. Eddy looked straight ahead because Brett's head was so close to his. 

"ho- How would you know?" Eddy asked Brett curiously. Brett laughed. Eddy blushed again at Brett's laugh because it was so cute.

"I heard about you from my teachers. You were described as 'prodigy' and 'the kid who won many competitions'," Brett said with exaggerated hand gestures. Eddy smiled shyly. He didn't expect other teachers to know of his name. He was a prodigy, well, at least that was what everyone called him. What surprised him more was that Brett actually knew his achievements. Eddy smiled again. His heart was warmed by Brett. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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