Untitled Part 12

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A few months later.

Sunflower is now one year old.

His party is well sunflower themed.

He wore overalls, a striped shirt and some shoes.

Tine wore a tee shirt, some jeans, a bra ,a hoodie and slip on shoes.

Sarawat wore a striped shirt, some jeans, a hoodie and tennis shoes.

Sunflower was sitting down eating cake before the presents could be opened.

Neither boys brother could show up since both were out of town with their significant others.

After the party was over Sunflower looked so sleepy.

Tine was taking a shower so Sarawat got Sunflower dressed for bed.

"Come Sun lets get you ready for bed. "Said Sarawat.

He started singing you are my sunshine.

Sunflower loves to hear his parents sing to him.

Sunflower is just a happy child.

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