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I gulped.

The door might be closed, but it wants us to enter. It's a well-done birch wooden one, with a picture window shaped in its typical rectangle which is attached on the door's upper center. Standing in front of it creates an opportunity for me to see what's going on inside the classroom, particularly what's happening in front.

There is a professor, a man on his 30’s I think, wearing an eyeglass on the tip of his nose and a sweater of some Earth palette ones.

Talking in front, I may not hear his voice but I sense superiority in his gestures. How he holds a stick, which I think is an old fashion way of pointing something on the projector screen, and even with the way he pauses just to con if his class is listening.

“Jaerin, I hate it to break it to you but... It has been five or more minutes of standing here,” Amity speaks up behind me, “are you sure you don't want to audition to be one of the school's stone or something?”

I chuckled. Nervously. Rin seems to beat so fast right now that Jae itself is being clouded with its own thoughts, and I hate how I could not just let go of these imaginations. Ah, out of the topic, mind's too blurry to say what's going on.

In regards with the issue of seeing things not in crystal clear, my senses only began sharpening itself by the time the loud creak of the door comes banging on our ears.

My new professor is inches shorter than me, and he has this stern face while teaching.

Amity speaks up first, since I cannot find the right words to tell. “Good morning, sir Jam—”

“If you don't get inside for five seconds then might as well enrol to other schools.”

Jae hates the fact that it could not drive my mouth to vomit words just to have everything covered.

I stood frozen on the same spot, and the only thing which melts me is the warmth of a human's hand which is pushing me to get inside quickly. It's Amity, I know, but seeing my teacher widening his eyes towards me is a whole new terror.

Before I even knew it, my new friend has already shoved me inside the room.

I did not even dare to look straight towards my new classmates, using my peripheral ones are much fine. Since today's class is using a projector, the lights are turned off.

The only thing which keeps it bright is the light coming from the technology.

Even if I tried not to hear any voices coming from their bunch, murmurs emerged like machine guns firing.

This one student even gossiped to her seatmate, “Why is it that every time there is a transferee in a certain school, he or she will always be late?”

“I don't know, girl. Though I heard an advice about this, why don't you test it yourself?”

My eyes could not bear it, I have to take a peek with the two girls whispering in front of the boy they're talking about.

The first girl who gossiped widened her eyes. “You mean I should transfer schools to know the answer?”

“Of course not,” the other laughed, “ of course, not a joke.”

I rolled my eyes away from their spotlight stealing scene. Wish I could tell them that I didn't plan to do so either, destiny just had it rough and applied again on me today. In case you don't know, the side of my body is facing the class, not the front. I'm too afraid, most probably shy to face them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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