Chapter 1: You're Here?!

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     (Note: Chapter 1 of Here With You includes minor mentions of wounds (Amity has scraped Knees).

One minute, she was in the isles, the next, she was... somewhere else. Amity Blight didn't know where she was. A house? Certainly smaller than the manor she lived in back in the isles. Abandoned maybe? Due to the broken windows and the sunlight peeking through the gaps in the wooden walls, it was certainly plausible. Her knees and elbows were pretty scraped up, almost as if she'd fallen on the pavement while trying to catch up to someone. That's when it hit her. Luz. She ran through the portal after she'd left... Shakily, the witch got up and limped her way to the door. She needed to find Luz, and fast before she got herself hurt even more than she already was. Using the doorway, she was able to pull herself along good enough to get to the porch. The second she was outside, the sun hit her skin. It was hot, definitely something she wasn't used to. How did humans not burn alive when going outside?! Amity took note of the scorching sun, it probably didn't help that she was still in her Hexside Uniform from the school day. Other than the sun, the abandoned house was settled in a more wooded area of a neighborhood. A house sat right across from it. Maybe there would be a good place to start... or at least get some water. Slowly, Amity got up from the floor, standing up straight. Her balance was off, but maybe whoever lived across the street would be nice enough to help her out. Her walking got quicker as she gradually regained her balance. She wasn't sure what these... things wheezing by on the street in front of her were, but they looked scary. Looking both ways, she found a safe opening to cross, getting to the other side of the road. She looked behind her at the empty, dark, lifeless house on the other side. She'd made it. After shakily climbing up the stairs, she knocked on the door. A woman with brown skin and red glasses answered it.

"Hello? ¿Qué te ha pasado?" She mumbled to herself after looking Amity over, noticing how warm the girl looked and how scraped up her knees were. "¡Luz ven aquí con una toallita!" Amity perked up slightly at the mention of Luz's name. It wasn't her  Luz, was it?

"Aquí tienes mami," Luz appeared suddenly, handing her mother the washcloth. She froze, "Amity?"


"Oh my gosh, Amity! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be-" Luz started to anxiously ask questions. Pausing after realizing that her mother didn't know about The Isles yet.

"I'll answer everything, I just-" Amity sighed. None of this was easy, "I need help."

"Right. Right! Okay," She looked at her mother, who was confused beyond belief, "Mami, can you help me get Amity to the couch?" Her mother nodded in response. Luz smiled at her as she put Amity's arm around her shoulder, making her blush, while her mother went to the other side and did the same. The duo helped her lie down on the couch and Luz's mother went to grab the first aid kit.

"How did you get here? Aren't you supposed to be in The Isles?" Luz asked while grabbing pillows from the side of the couch.

"I kinda ran after you when you walked through the portal..." Amity trailed off.

"You what?" Luz asked, looking at Amity, "You said you'd miss me, but I didn't think it was enough to actually follow me through..."

"It just kinda happened," Amity said, "One minute I was in The Isles, the next i was in that abandoned house across the street with my knees all scraped up and whatnot."

"I see..." Luz trailed off, "Well, we'll need to think up a cover story for you... my mother doesn't exactly know I haven't been at summer camp..."

"What about summer camp?" Her mother asked, walking down the hall carrying a small white box.

"Oh, uh-" Luz glanced at Amity, "Mami, this is Amity, we met at c-camp."

Her mother kneeled by Amity's knees and smiled at the girl, "I'm Camilia, can I take a look?" Amity nodded at Camilia, who was now looking through the white box. "Mija, I didn't know you made friends at camp."

"Y-yeah, I made a few, a-actually," Luz stuttered, "Amity was one of my closer ones. Though, when we first met she was serious enough. I'm not even sure why her parents enrolled her into camp..."
"Speaking of parents," Camilia put a big bandage on Amity's knee, making sure that it was stuck onto her skin, "Where are your parents?"

"I uh-" Amity started, looking to Luz for any form of guidance. All she did was shrug, "M-my parents... kicked me out... they're not nice people... I don't have any family who were willing to take me in either.."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Camilia trailed off, putting another bandaid on Amity's knee, "You're welcome to stay here for the time being, I don't think Luz would have a problem with sharing a room, would you mija?"

"Not at all!"

"It's settled then," Camilia smiled at Amity, "Stay here for as long as you need. I can enrol you in school if you'd like me to."

"S-Sure," Amity stuttered. Luz's mother was too kind for her own good.

Luz put out her hand, ready to help hoist Amity up, "Wanna come to my room with me?" Amity hesitantly took Luz's hand, letting her pull her up.

"Okay, let's go." Luz led Amity to her room, her hand still laced with Amity's. The plain white door gave way to a lilac painted wall room, stars taped to the walls. Posters were scattered throughout the room and books sat on her desk. Honestly, it was very Luz. Luz helped Amity sit on her bed and she sat across from her.

"So..." Amity started, "What's next?"

"Well, you're gonna be here for a while..." Luz replied, "I mean, I'm not complaining.. But you're gonna need to learn how to blend in with humans."
"What do you mean?" Amity asked.
"For starters, no magic in front of anyone but me. Normal human's can't really do magic," Luz explained.

Amity looked down to the floor sadly. Would she ever get back to the isles?

"Hey," Luz said, scooching closer and putting her hand on Amity's shoulder, "We'll get home, I promise." 

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