Chapter 2: Shopping

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Amity woke up on the floor of Luz's room pretty early. The stars that were taped to her walls glowed in the darkness. That HAD to be some kind of magic. She watched the sky gradually get lighter. The birds started chirping, drowning out the sound of Luz's soft snoring much to Amity's dismay. Soon enough, golden sunlight shone through the window, seemingly attacking Amity with its brightness. Amity quickly grew bored of lying there in the sunlight, so she moved to examine the books on Luz's desk. The black desk was actually pretty clean, aside from the paint stains on it. There was a pile of books on the side. Amity picked one up. Upon examining the spine, she realized it was a copy of the 5th Good Witch Azura book. The same one Luz had let her borrow back on the isles. Taking the copy, she sat back down on her sleeping bag and opened up the first page. The familiar faces of Azura and Hecate greeted her. She smiled, at least one thing between their two worlds stayed consistent.

"Amity?" She heard a voice whisper, she looked up to the bed to see Luz, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Amity set the book down and smiled at the human, "Morning, Luz."

"Morning, Amity!" She smiled. Somehow Luz was already in a good mood this morning as if the girl had been awake for hours, "I kinda thought that you being here was a dream, but you're here!"

"Y-Yeah, I'm here," Amity stuttered, entranced by her level of excitement at her existence alone.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"Alright, I guess? Better than yesterday."

"Good," Luz nodded her head, "I think we're going shopping today, so you'll need some clothing."

"Shopping for what?"

"Our room, of course!" Luz clapped her hands together, "We don't have a guest room, so I hope you don't mind sharing with me." Luz got up and walked to her closet, grabbing out her signature hoodie.

"No, it's alright, I don't mind," Amity shrugged, following Luz to the closet. The closet was cleaner than she thought it would be, everything was hung up neatly, Amity smiled, "Is that your hexside uniform?"

Luz laughed, "Yeah, I can't bring myself to get rid of it. Maybe I'll wear it to school someday."

"What would people even say?!"

"I dunno," Luz shrugged, "They're pretty used to me being... strange."

Amity snickered, "I'm used to you being strange too, dork."

"But I'm your dork and you're stuck with me now," Luz said. Amity blushed at that, "Anyways here, we'll need to get you some beanies today, but this should do for now. The bathroom is down the hall to the left." Luz handed Amity her hoodie and a pair of shorts. Amity took them, feeling the soft fabric of the hoodie in her hands. It certainly wasn't Amity's style, but then again, she didn't really have a choice. Nodding, she went into the bathroom to change. The hoodie was a little big on her, but it wasn't anything too drastic. Soon enough, Amity was back in Luz's - or their room. Luz had jean shorts and an Azura t-shirt on.

"Alright," Luz stepped in front of Amity and grabbed the hood that rested on her back, pulling it up onto her head, "Keep your hood up, people might get suspicious if they see your pointy ears."

"My ears?" Amity shifted the hood uncomfortably, "What's wrong with my ears?"

Luz frantically waved her hands as if she were shooing away a bug, "Nothing at all! Your ears are fine! It's just that humans have round ears like mine." Luz pointed to her ears. Her signature black studs in.

Amity nodded slowly, "Alright, I can do that."

"Awesome," Luz grabbed her phone on the bed and turned back to Amity and offered her hand, "Ready to go?"

Amity took it and nodded. Today was going to be a long day.

Surprisingly, human stores and boiling isles stores weren't too different. Other than the things inside the shop not wanting to kill you, of course. Amity and Luz had ran around what Camilia and Luz were calling a "Mall" practically all day, picking different decorations for Amity's room. Most of her decor was a bluish-teal color, resembling her old room quite a lot. Their second to last stop was an office supply store to get school supplies. Now, Amity's behavior didn't exhibit it, but she was, for the first time ever, anxious about school. She'd never been to a human school. Heck, she wasn't even close to figuring this realm out yet. Sure there were some similarities, like the Azura book or the shopping, but other than that, everything was completely different. She couldn't summon an abomination to solve her problems and get a good grade. She only had Luz to help her. She could go to Camilia, sure, but then again the woman didn't know about the isles existence. Telling her that the only school she'd been to was one in another realm probably wouldn't go very well. School shopping went by quicker than decor shopping. The last quest was clothing shopping. Camilia had given Luz money and let her and Amity wander around the clothing store until they ended up finding something they liked.

"Try to keep an eye out for any more hoodies or beanies!" Luz whispered to her while they walked through the store, "Gotta hide those adorable ears of yours!" Amity blushed at that comment but continued wandering around the store. By the end of the hour, they'd grabbed a few t-shirts and a couple of pairs of shorts for her. It wasn't a lot, but it would be enough until the two could have a day to actually shop.

When Camilia, Luz, and Amity got back home, the two girls raced up to their room to begin unpacking and decorating. The two shifted the room around to their liking, making sure that two mattresses could fit in the room. They may have both been squashed up against the wall, but they were happy with their work nonetheless. Once they were done, the two sat on the floor chatting, Luz's spellbook open as she reminisced.

"Hey, Luz?" Amity asked out of nowhere, "What's human school like?"

"Human school?" Luz stopped flipping through the notebook at this point, "Different than Hexside, that's for sure."

"In what way?"

"Well, there's no grom. We have prom instead," Luz said, "It's almost exactly like Grom, but there's not a fear mimicking monster, you just hang out with friends and dance."

"That actually sounds nice..." Amity trailed off. Maybe she'd have a chance again with Luz, "What else is there?"

"Well, you already know that magic isn't a regular thing here... so not much other than different subjects?" Luz explained, "People there can be a little harsh, but don't let them get to you too much. Maybe you'll have better luck making friends than I did..."

"Better luck? Yeah right," Amity scoffed, "Last 'friend' I had was Boscha and her crew. We both know how that turned out."

"Yeah.. I'm just saying, It might be a good opportunity for a fresh start here, you know?"

"Maybe... I'm more focused on getting past my first day than anything else."

"Makes sense," Luz shrugged, "I'll be here to help you with anything you need, alright?"

"Thank you, Luz."

"Of course," Luz smiled at the witch, "I'm wondering if I should bring my spellbook with, just in case?"

"It wouldn't hurt to have it in your locker. The glyphs aren't closed, right?"

"Nope! They're partially unfinished so if I ever tapped one an ice pillar or something wouldn't appear out of nowhere!" Luz dramatically through her hands up in the air, making Amity laugh.

"You may be weird, but you're smart."

"Thanks," Luz said, "You might be smart, but you're weird." Amity and Luz laughed, both of those statements were very much true, especially now.

"I think we should probably get to bed," Luz said, looking at the clock that read 8:00 pm.

"Yeah, that might be smart," Amity said getting up and stretching.

"Talk to you in the morning, alright?"

"Talk to you in the morning, Luz."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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