Chapter 3

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You wake up to something licking at your face. You splutter and shove at it, getting up to see Gamzee in dog form panting and sitting on your chest. "Fuck, Gamzee, what time is it?" You grope around for your phone, blinking at the light. "It's like, four in the morning, what do you want?"

They hop off your bed and exit the room, clearly they want you to follow them. You sigh, getting up reluctantly and going after them. They run into the kitchen, where you see broken plates on the floor, before quickly turning into a rat and scurrying off, leaving you to clean up their mess. You groan, deciding to get it tomorrow and going back to bed.

The next morning, you're going to get your coffee, like usual, when suddenly something comes barreling into you. You grunt as you fall to the ground, and Gamzee tumbles down beside you. You sit up and open your mouth to scold him when you see the broken glass that you didn't pick up yet.

"Sorry! I knocked it over and I tried to get you to clean it up last night..."

You huff, "Yeah, I kind of knew that. I just forgot about it. Thanks, I guess."

They shrug. "My fault. I don't guess this counts as me saving you, 'cause I caused it..."

You huff, but it's not like you mind having them follow you around. You just won't let them know that. You get up and grab the broom and dustpan to sweep up the mess. You finally get your coffee and sit at the table so you can drink it in peace. It just so happens that today is your day off, and you wanted to go meet up with your friends. Well, they wanted you to, you were just going to spend the day inside. You look at your phone and decide it's about time you got ready.

About halfway there, you spot Gamzee running at you in dog form. You don't bother to slow down for them. When you get there, John waves at you, immediately going to hug you.

"John! Let me go, you're suffocating me!"

He giggles, putting you down and stepping back. "Oops, sorry!" You just huff and brush yourself off.

"Hey, it's that dog again!" Dave says, "He really seems to like you, dude."

This draws everyone else's attention to Gamzee, and they immediately crowd around them, all trying to pet them at once. This seems to startle them, as they get flat on their stomach and pin their ears to their head. This doesn't dissuade John, who reaches out to pet them. They jump, imminently going to bite the offending hand. John jumps back, holding it to his chest. "Hey! It bit me!"

You immediately jump in to scoop Gamzee up in your arms to prevent them shifting in front of your friends. You can slightly see their form waver, and you don't want any trouble. You tuck them into your hoodie and zip it up. "You scared them, asshole! You were all crowding around them and shit!" You can tell that hiding them was a good idea, they've gotten smaller inside your hoodie.

Jade frowns a little. "Yeah, that probably was a bad idea... I could tell they were getting anxious." She looks at your stomach, where Gamzee's body is making a small bump in the fabric of your hoodie. "Hey, We're sorry, little puppy. We didn't mean to scare you..."

Gamzee moves around in your hoodie, but you don't feel them change form so you keep them there. "C'mon, weren't we gonna go to that festival or some shit?" At that, Gamzee moves around some more, popping their dog head out of your hoodie beside yours. They're panting, tongue lolling out of their mouth and they look at you. You huff, pushing at their snout. "You can't go on any rides. Dogs can't go on rides." They whine a little, giving you a sad little look.

"We could sneak him on!" suggests John, apparently having forgotten about the nasty bite on his hand. You glare at him.

"No, they could get hurt. They're too small to be going on any human rides." You hold them inside your hoodie. "Besides, they're not even my dog."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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