Burning Rage

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I sit up again in my "bed". I surprisingly slept much better than I usually do. Rubbing my eyes, I see myself sitting in a room that wasn't my own. Oh, right. I moved in with Ethan yesterday.

I look to my left and see a still sleeping Ethan laying on his own "bed". I crawl the short distance over to him and lightly shake his arm. "Hey Ethan. It's almost time for the meeting." He groans in response and sits up. His hair was a mess and his eyelids were half closed. "Ok.." He responds in a groggy voice which makes my heart skip a beat. I didn't know he could be so adorable. He always seems so tough. I mean  i've seen him tired before. I've even rubbed his palm trying to help him stay awake when we were going out, but there's something different about him when he first wakes up that's just so cute to me.

"Hey, y/n?" I snap out of my thoughts and see Ethan with one eyebrow raised. "Why are you staring at me?" I can feel my face heat up. "O-oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" He nods and I swear I could've saw a small smile on his face.

The tall boy stands up and runs his hand through his hair, quickly fixing it. He then reaches his large hand out towards me, offering to help me up. I happily take it and stand up. We then walk to the meeting room where everyone else is waiting for us.

Lawrence's POV

Im getting ready to start my meeting when I look around and realize two people are missing. Ethan and my dear Y/N. I tell everyone i'll go get the two and head out of classroom 1C. I stop by Ethan's room first since he's the closest to the meeting room, only to find a scene that makes me rage. The door was cracked open and I could see my Y/N sitting next to Ethan. I can hardly make out what they're saying. "Hey, Y/N? Why are you staring at me?" The black haired boy asked the cute girl who visibly starts to freak out, clearly embarrassed. "O-oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to!" she responds to him in that sweet voice of hers I love so much.

   A few moments later he's helping her off the ground and I decide to retreat back to the meeting room. I tell everyone they will be here soon and on cue, they walk in and sit down, waiting for my instructions. I go on to tell them the plan, using my typical smile to hide the jealous rage that was burning inside of me.
We were going to search the town today. "Let's spilt into two groups. One goes out to search and the other stays in school. Tell me your preferences. I'll factor that in." My smile never falters as I give the orders.


Lawrence explains that we're splitting into groups and I look around at the others. As soon as my eyes meet with Hailey, she quickly turns away. I sigh. I thought we were starting to become friends after we talked the other day, but I guess not. The girl fidgets and bites her lip. Eugene speaks up. "Would you stop that?" He snaps at the girl. "What you're doing is starting to get to everyone, you know that?" Hailey startles. I feel like I need to step in. "Don't talk to her like that, Eugene." "I didn't say anything wrong" He argues. "You can watch your tone. We're having a meeting here" "Geez.." he responds. "Here we go with the nagging again" Eugene whines scratching his head. "Fine, fine." He gives in. "..Hailey" She doesn't answer. "I'm sorry" "No. It's okay." She finally responds and I think she glimpsed at me. It's not like I wasn't offended by Hailey's behavior. But I don't want anymore conflicts in the group.

Lawrence starts to talk again. "Alright, everyone. Let's get to our meeting. So, who's volunteering for the town search?" "Uh..me?" I say, not completely sure of my decision. "Then Hailey and I will stay in the school." I turn to Sue. I guess she already noticed that Hailey doesn't wanna stay with me. Zion speaks with his normal smirk "Then i'll go" "Zion" Lawrence says. "Yeah?" His expression drops, confused by him being called out. "Can you stay this time?" Our leader asks. "We need someone strong to stay behind when Ethan and I are gone." Ethan asks how he knew Zion was gonna ask to go out but doesn't get an answer. "Well, if you ask me. I guess that's what i'll do." Zion says, agreeing. "Harry, youre also going with them?" Sue asks. "Oh, okay. I'll go too." "That does it then. Me, Y/N, Ethan, and Harry. The four of us will be out for the town search. And Hailey, Sue, Eugene, and Zion will stay and guard the school." Lawrence confirms. I don't know what it is...but something feels off the track.. "Now, lets all take a look at the map here." But my train of thoughts ends there as Lawrence drives my attention to the map.

Lawrence's POV

I drive everyone's attention to the map as we begin to plan our search. "Right here is where we'll begin our search then we go all the way to the station." I show them as I point at the map. "It's quite a long route so be sure to be on the lookout the whole time." Ethan nods. "See if you can find any clean water." I smile more as we all move into the room we keep all of our shared stuff to get ready. Maybe while i'm out I can find a way to get rid of Ethan. He's too strong for me to kill the way I killed Scarlett so maybe i'll figure something out while we're in town. The thought makes me smile even more. I'll take my Y/N back in no time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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