
292 17 96


"Demanitus, you genius!"


Hi! Welcome to my cover shoppe!
In case you don't know me, I'm TesserPhantom, or Tess, as people on here often call me.

Here are a few things about me:
- I love Jeremy Jordan, musicals, chocolate (specifically hot chocolate-), Tangled the Series, and many other things!
- I'm not necessarily new at making covers, but I'm not super good at it either.
- love to make new friends, so feel free to just chat with me, even if you don't need a cover or anything! (If we have even just one or two conversations about literally anything, and you aren't mean, I'll probably consider you a friend XD)


Now for info about requests!

Rules and Other Such Information:

- I will not make covers for books with foul language or a title hinting at any such words

- Same goes for mature titles/depictions and such

- Please be have your request entirely ready before requesting

- If I don't get your request done three days after you requested, please remind me, as I have a tendency to forget and/or procrastinate. (I will let you know of any real delays though.)

- Examples of my work are on my page (Though not the ones with "Cover made by" in the description), and also the shoppe cover is an example. Plus, covers featured in this book are obviously examples of my cover work

- Though I don't actually require any payment, since this is a totally free shop, I do ask that you give credit to me for the cover. It can be anywhere in the book, but at least add the credit in the story description

Request Form:

Username to use on the book-
Title of the book*-
Character(s)/people to be featured (if fanfiction/if you're using faceclaims for characters)-
Colors to use-
Style (pastel, dark, bright, etc.)*-
Any other details*-

*mandatory to fill out

Requests go inline here >>>


Thanks for checking out my shoppe!!!


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