•❅──────✧❅✦ 4 ✦❅✧──────❅•

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Andrew sits on the floor cradling his arm. He hears footsteps and Michael goes down next to him. "What happened?" "I slip and landed on my arm..." Michael wipes his eyes and puts his shoes on him. "Come on..." Michael helps Andrew up and Andrew keeps his arm close to his chest. 

"I'll bring you to the hospital to get your arm checked." Andrew nods and they head out. Andrew is very nervous. He hasn't been to the doctors in a while. Michael sees he's nervous and puts a hand on his thigh. "You're gonna be okay... I'll be there with you..." Andrew smiles. 

They get there and Michael helps Andrew into the hospital. Michael signs some papers and they go and sit down. "Andrew Smith..." Michael and Andrew get up and follow the nurse to a room. "Mr. Smith, sit on the bed, we need a history of injuries and medical..." 

Andrew nods and looks down. "F-for injuries... right leg... ribs... lots of sprains..." "Medical?" "Anxiety... Flu... bruises... car accident..." Andrew wipes his eyes with his useful arm. "The doctor will be in shortly..." The nurse goes to leave. "Oh, you'll need to change into the jonnie..." 

Andrew nods and the nurse hands him the jonnie. "Thanks..." She closes the curtain and Andrew looks at Michael. "I can leave..." "C-could you help m-me?" Michael nods and helps him out of his shirt. Andrew tries not to move his arm. Andrew fumbles with the jeans. 

Michael stops him and helps. Michael puts the jonnie on him and Andrew lays in bed. "S-stay with me?" "Always..." There's a knock and the door opens. "Andrew Smith?" Andrew smiles a little. "I'm doctor, Matthew... so what happened?" Andrew blushes and looks away. 

Michael looks at the doctor. "He had socks on and I had washed the floor, he slipped and landed wrong..." The doctor hums. "I'll order an X-Ray on your arm and we'll see..." Andrew nods and lays down. The doctor leaves and Michael grabs one of the hospital blankets and covers him. 

"Are w-we supposed t-to leave... for N-New York..." "I can be late... you're more important..." The door opens . "I'll be taking you for your X-Ray..." Andrew looks and sees the guys standing in the door. "I'm doctor, Trevor..." The doctor smiles. 

Andrew feels his heart speeding up, not for a good reason. "C-can Michael come?" "No, he has to stay here..." Andrew shakes his head. Michael gets up and goes over to him. "You'll be okay... I'll be here..." Andrew looks at Michael and shakes his head. Michael looks at the doctor. 

"Come along..." Michael stands up and helps Andrew up. He ties the strings on the jonnie so no one can see his boxers. They walk to the X-Ray room. "I'll be right outside, okay?" Andrew looks at him and nods. Andrew goes in and they move his arm all around and take pictures. 

Andrew leaves and sees Michael. He goes over and hugs him with his good arm. Michael smiles and they go back to the room. Andrew sits on the bed. He stays quiet. "You okay?" The door opens. "Well, you fractured your arm... I'll put in a cast and you'll need to rest..." ANdrew nods. 

"We'll give you some pain medicine as we do it so you don't feel a thing..." "Okay..."


Andrew is taken off the medicine and unhooked from the IV. He's in a cast from 5 inches above his elbow to his wrist and around his thumb. Andrew sighs and looks at it. Michael gets an idea for when they get home. The nurse comes in. "Are you left or right handed Andrew?" "Right..." 

"Could you sign for him?" MIchael signs for him and they leave after Andrew gets dressed again.. Andrew looks at the cast and sighs. Michael helps in the car and buckles him. They drive back to the house and go inside. Michael grabs Andrew's good hand and pulls him into his little office. 

He takes out different color pens and felt tip pens. "What a-are you doing?" "Just watch..." Andrew sits and watches as Michael draws on his white cast. He draws little hearts and then puts pastel polka dots on the top of it. He looks and hands the pens over to Andrew. "I c-can't..." 

Michael hums. "JUst tell me what to draw..." Andrew blushes. "A flag..." "Which find of flag?" Andrew looks down. "I'm not judging you..." "Rainbow..." Andrew watches as Michael puts thick stripes of the colors down then goes around the flag with a black pen then draws lines separating the colors. 

"Anything else?" "Mor hearts..." Michael draws more pastel hearts around his casts, all colors and sizes. Andrew watches as Michael signs his name on the cast. Andrew smiles and looks up at Michael. Andrew's 5'1 and he looks up at Michael. "How tall a-are you..." "6'1..." 

Andrew looks at his cast and smiles. "So... you're gay?"

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