Pietro ~ Training

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I'm sorry it took so long!!!! Requested by: @owensm187

You had always been very shy, which is a bit weird considering you are the daughter of the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. Most people would expect you to be like him; sarcastic, extroverted, unafraid to voice your opinion, but you were the total opposite.

That was why you were confused when Pietro came along.

A few months after Ultron, Pietro was finally healed and allowed to go to the facility. You were now sitting in the corner of the meeting room where Pietro was being introduced as a new member of the Avengers. For some reason, you couldn't take your eyes off of him. He fascinated you, and you got a feeling you've never felt before.

When he turned towards you, you quickly averted your gaze, focusing on a spot on the wall.

"Hello, princessa," a thickly accented voice said next to you, causing you to jump.

You look over to see him. He was even more gorgeous up close. The way his silvery blonde hair waved and his electric blue eyes seemed to stare into your soul.

"You have a name, or should I just call you mine?"

Usually, you would shy away when someone flirted with you, but for some reason he was different. You bit your tongue trying not to flirt back as you mumbled your name.

"(y/n), what a pretty name for a beautiful girl," he said, getting a bit closer to you.

"Yes, and this 'beautiful girl' is my daughter, Maximoff,"  your dad barked, walking up besides you, "So I'd watch it."

"I was just stating the facts," Pietro shrugged, throwing his hands up before spinning around and walking away.

After that short encounter, you got a long talking to from Tony about how he "wasn't good for you" and "nothing but trouble". And how he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he came near you. Of course, you just rolled your eyes and nodded.

The next few weeks consisted of hearing corny pick up lines every time you passed the speedster in the halls and holding your tongue. If you flirted back, it would be easy for people to notice considering how quiet you usually are, and you couldn't take a chance. If your dad found out you liked him, he would kick Pietro out for sure.


Today you decided to go on a run outside the facility. It was a crisp autumn morning. The leaves were changing colors, a few floating to the ground. The air was frigid with a light breeze that nipped at your cheeks. There was a light overcast covering the sun adding to the coolness of the season.

After the run, you stopped to sit on a park bench looking at the shapes in the clouds.

"Morning princessa."

You looked over to see Pietro wearing black sweat pants and a tight shirt, and he was sitting just a little to close.

"Tired from running through my mind all day?" He asked, leaning a bit closer to you.

You smirked, leaning towards him. You don't know why today, maybe it was because you weren't at the facility or maybe it was because how delicious he looked in those sweat pants, but you decided to finally give in to your desire to flirt back. You leaned closer to him, your faces almost touching.

"Yeah, and after my run, maybe you wouldn't mind helping me," you stopped, dragging your teeth over your lower lip and letting your eyes run down his toned body, "stretch."

Your eyes went back to his confused ones. His breath stutters, obviously taken aback. You watch as his mouth twitches now and again, as if wanting to say something, but not sure what to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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