Fix me

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This is a (late) secret santa gift for my friend catgirlluna, Merry Christmas Lu! I’m sorry I probably butchard one of your otps but here it is.

Ships: nanocoffee (can be seen as either platonic or romantic, your choice)


2 years earlier~

Do you promise you’ll fix me?” she asks, looking at the purple swirls on her arms. It had only been a few weeks since the accident, but she could tell it had spread, even just a little.

The scientist shrugged nonchalantly, and almost sarcastically said

“Of course, I promise.”


Oh how he would regret those words, so casually spoken, so full of false concern. How could he have known that the girl that fell into his castle all those years ago would mean so much to him now? How would he have ever dreamed that he would be stuck up at night, unable to sleep, wondering if this will be his last night with her?

He couldn’t of, of course, but if he could go back in time and punch himself in the face for practically jokingly making this promise to her, he would.

Because now, everything is different.

Everything means much more and everything hurts more, and-and…

She’s slipping.

And he knows she knows it because she yells at him not to look at her like that, like if he touches her, she’ll break.

She’s nearly all purple now, except for a few patches here and there, and he would make fun of her for it if it didn’t make her stay in bed and whimper five out of seven days a week.

He already contacted Lomadia and Nilesy for help, but the best they could offer were some heavy pain management potions that they had made with their witchcraft. It certainly was the best they could come up with to help and it was with those potions that Nano could actually muster strength to get out of bed and eat, but that wasn’t living. All of them knew that.

It was on the day that Nano wouldn’t stop whispering incoherently and shrieking in a language none of them understood that Lalna let the last of his pride drip away, and left to seek out the man he swore to forget existed.  Though he didn’t know exactly where the grumpy man was, he had a pretty good idea of where he could expect him to be.  He took only basic tools and food before he rushed out of Panda Labs yelling at a confused Lomadia to take care of Nano for him.

It took a total of four days, a random surge of thunderstorms, and an awful lot of swearing before he found a small hut in the thickest part of the forest.  A type of setting for someone who obviously wasn’t wanting to be found, however Lalna, of course, completely ignored what it implied and stomped to the door in his waterlogged shoes. He knocked three hard times out of courtesy before barging in anyway, shivering in his wet clothes, but he saw no one.

The place only looked slightly used; a little bit of dust but not much, which to Lalna signaled that it was really just a cover and that there was bound to be a secret entrance either inside the shack, or near to it. However, before he started searching, he decided to shed his soaked coat and light up the fire place in the small hut to warm and rest up a bit. Who knows? Maybe it would lure the grumpy man from his hiding place.

He sat as close to the fireplace as he could without burning himself and it wasn’t long before he found himself deciding to lay down which inevitably led to him falling into a much needed slumber. It was a short time after Lalna had fallen asleep that a man woke him up by kicking him in the side and glaring down at him. Lalna let out a yelp of startled pain and looked up to see Rythian standing above him with a scowl on his face. At least, he thought it was a scowl, since Rythian still masked the lower half of his face and it was quite hard to tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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