𝐈𝐈𝐈: 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐎𝐰𝐧

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          Sheridan had moved into her temporary desk at the BAU for the time that she was being halfway assigned there. Aaron and Gideon were the only people who knew about the half going between two divisions of the FBI, but it was something that worked best for both. She had started to settle in, just a meager month or so from their case in Terra Mesa. She had found herself to be in a routine as she started there, falling back into a normal pace especially with how she was introduced to the team.It was even something the people she worked with began to pick up.

          Every morning, whether she was staying at Aaron's or not, she would go to the local coffee shop on Stafford Road. She would never get anything to eat unless she had a rough day before, and always got a hot vanilla cappuccino, her elaborating she only changed the order when summer came around. She would get in at around the same time as her brother, usually much to Gideon's surprise and Aaron's dismay. She'd get her desk set up, then, quite naturally, would get the coffee machines ready for the rest of the team. Reid usually showed up after her, something she steadily began to integrate into the routine when she realized he would go to the same coffee shop as her.

          It was something the team themselves had to get used to, but did after the first week. It was a perk of being a profiler: being easily adaptable to new situations. Morgan and Garcia were already friends with Sher by the end of the first case, Garcia luckily having already known the spunky brunette long before the others had. JJ was loving that there was another woman on the team that she could talk to, their conversations bordering on what could be interpreted as too mature for Sher but not actually.

          Reid and Sher were as thick as thieves. It wasn't a surprise that the two paired up well, vast intellects and young natures colliding in the twenty-four and twenty year olds. He had helped her get used to everything, treated her normal right from the get-go. It was nice for her to feel at least semi-normal in the grand state of things. Every time she looked up at him, having to crane her head back to see his honey colored eyes or sandy-brown hair that bordered on long, she couldn't help but smile. When he smiled, that genuine type of smile that always caught someone's attention, Sher would feel her heart rate increase and her hands become shaky. He made her anxious, but in the best way possible. But those were secret feelings that got locked up.

          Sheridan didn't bottle up her thoughts and opinions very much anymore. She voiced them at least once, whether about a person or a case. Case in point: Elle Greenaway.

          Those two, despite Sheridan's best efforts to give her the benefit of the doubt, even supposing that it was change-activated anxiety, did not get along. Nothing ever seemed to stop the two from going at it at least once on the plane or at the office, Sher knowing that though she didn't have the field experience yet, she could easily black-widow this woman and mess up her day. Today seemed to be one of those days where Sher was contemplating it a little more than average; it was barely eleven in the morning too.

          "I'm not going to listen to a twenty year old on a subject that she barely understands." She snapped as she walked through the bullpen beside Morgan. The six-foot-one man beside her looked down with a harsh look of scrutiny, one that caused Sheridan to not only smirk, but keep her eyes on Elle as they walked past her desk. Reid also looked up from his desk, which was the one that faced hers. Both of their desks were abnormally clean from files, but that was because the two, as well as Gideon, were going to be giving a seminar on profiling to the LA Police Department. Meaning that in less than seven hours they were going to be heading off to the City of Angels for a few days, Sheridan thanking God that she was going with them.

          "I think Sher understood it pretty damn well with the way she handled that serial abuser case. Gotta have more faith, Greenaway." His tone would have been one he used for joking had he not been glaring daggers at the woman. Elle rolled her eyes and dropped something on her desk as the two stopped at it.

𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now