Sexy Shopping

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At the end of her shift, Sasha was really grateful for her choice of heels. Sure, her ankles were in a bit of pain, but it had been nothing compared to how she left the office Friday night. She didn’t even feel the need to kick her heels off and switch into her slippers.

After her lunch date with Finn, she was extremely distracted. Even her boss made a comment about how out of it she seemed, but she just couldn’t stop thinking about everything they had discussed and how he had evolve into someone like he his now.

The only thing she wished had been a little different was her reaction to his question. Is this you agreeing to our arrangement? Instead of practically moaning out her agreement, she should have tried to calm down her hormones and respond a little more civilised as she was so eager to see his evolvement.

Should have kept her eagerness a little more hidden, but the smile that lit up his face was so damned worth it and somehow nostalgic! After their meeting, she realised that she really did have a slight pleasing kink. She loved the satisfied smiles he sent her way whenever she did or said the “right” thing.

Maybe it wasn’t necessarily a pleasing kink but a praise kink. He wasn’t verbally telling her that he was happy with her choices, but his eyes were so expressive, she could practically hear his thoughts. And, when she imagined him calling her a “good girl,” she was a goner.

This isn't the Finn Bàlor she was used to!

Nevertheless, there was no way that she would deny herself this guilty pleasure. He had managed to spark a fire within her with just a few words, smiles and suggestive eyes. She couldn’t wait to see what else he could possibly do to her by just touching her.

That’s precisely why when the clock struck five, she was out the door like a bat straight out of hell. She didn’t even worry about all the emails she would probably get for leaving work an hour early.

Technically, she was supposed to leave at 5 pm. Her required hours were 8 in the morning to 5 in the evening, but there was absolutely no way that she could finish her job in that time frame – and she really did not want to work weekends. So, she sacrificed her weekday hours and tried to cram in as much relaxation as she could during those two days for the rest of the week.

No wonder she was so keen to start her arrangement with Finn.

Before they parted ways, Finn had asked to exchange numbers. She was extremely happy that he had suggested it because her brain had turned to mush after he called her “kitten.” There was a lot of weird things she was finding out about herself.

He texted her first. It was just the address to the sex store so that they could meet up because she wanted to have her car with her in case things went south.

After putting the address in the GPS, she felt herself become even more excited. It could have just been the adrenaline that came with anticipating sex with him, but she was also looking forward to spending time with him. Like old times.

There was something about him that she had missed before. Granted, the years that have passed she'd always see him as an innocent and curious individual about ways of romance but after the two times she saw him, she was mourning her feet and was seconds away from being brain-dead. But it was better late than never.

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