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"Hello?" Alice was confused when she saw a call from Bruce's house. Why was he calling her? She knew it wasn't Griffin. He was over at his bandmates Youssef's house. They were going over new merch ideas for their upcoming tour. And anyway, he hadn't been over to his parent's house since Paddy had lashed out at her. Why would Bruce be calling her? She felt a familiar stir in her stomach. Why was it creeping up on her now? She was happy with Griffin. But she couldn't ignore that although she didn't want to be with Bruce any longer, there was still something there.

"Alice? It's me, Paddy."

Alice felt her body go cold. The last person she expected to hear from was Paddy. Did she want to tell her off again for being with Griffin? "He...hello Paddy." her voice was barley a whisper.

Paddy felt horrible. She could tell that Alice felt intimidated just by the sound of her voice. What kind of person was she? What kind of Mum tried to break up her Son's relationship? She let out a sigh, "I'm calling to apologize for my behavior the other night. I had no right in saying the things I did. Whatever has happened between you and Bruce is in the past and I shouldn't dwell on it. I want to thank you for making Griffin happy."

Paddy was apologizing to her. Alice didn't know what to say. Was this some sort of setup?

"It's OK. I understand why you were upset. I just want to let you know that I am happy with Griffin. He is the best thing that has happened to me. Each day that I am with him makes me that much happier. I promise you Paddy, that I am not with Griffin because of Bruce."

"I want my Son back. I want him to be happy, and I want our relationship to be what it was. Can we meet up and talk? We can have a girls day. I'll invite Liz and Kia."

Alice thought about it. She did want to be on good terms with Griffin's family. Maybe a girls day would be what they needed. She was glad that Liz and Kia would be there, she didn't want to be alone with Paddy in case things went wrong.

"That sounds good. I would love to meet up with you. Thank you Paddy."

"No, thank you. Let's meet up at Liz and Austin's place. There's a nice bistro near their flat. How about this afternoon at 5 PM?"

Alice couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I'll be there. See you soon."

——————————————————————————————————————————————————Austin had convinced Griffin to meet up at their parent's flat in London. At first, Griffin didn't want to meet up. He was still upset at both Paddy and Bruce. But Austin knew he'd come around. All 3 of the Dickinson kids were close to their parents. They would make it a point to stay in contact with each other. Even when Bruce was on tour, they would go visit him or stay in touch via phone calls or video chat. Griffin missed talking to his parents. He hoped that Paddy would see how happy he truly was with Alice.

"Thanks for deciding to come with me to see Dad."

Griffin looked at Austin and shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, of course mate. I just hope he's over being a dick."

"He just didn't like you disrespecting Mum, that's all. You know he hasn't spoken to Mum in over a week. He's still pissed at her."

Griffin sighed, his parents had just gotten back together, now they were once again separated, and it was because of Alice...again.

"I get he didn't want me disrespecting her, but he didn't mean to mind her disrespecting me or Alice. Why didn't he stand up for us?"

Austin knew it was pointless to argue with Griffin. He hoped that seeing Bruce would change things. They made their way up to Bruce's flat. Both Austin and Griffin had keys to it, so they let themselves in.

"Dad, we're here!"

Bruce was in the kitchen cooking lunch. He had some chicken for him and Austin and some stuffed peppers for Griffin. He looked up and smiled when he saw his boys come in.

Austin sat down across from Bruce and smiled at him, "You're cooking? What have we done for you to punish us like that?"

Bruce laughed at his Son, "Piss off. I'm not as good as your Mum is, but I can do a few things. Although I must say..." he looked up at Griffin, "...this is my first time making a vegetarian meal. I hope it's good."

Griffin couldn't help but smile. His family didn't really understand why he decided to go veggie, but they supported him. They teased him all the time about it, saying how he could share Merlin's food since that's pretty much the same thing as what he was eating. He usually was the one to prepare his own meal, so to have Bruce make an attempt at cooking something for him, made him happy.

"Thanks Dad. I'm sure it'll be great."

Bruce put the peppers in the oven and sat down across from his Sons. "Griff, Son. Thank you for coming. I want to apologize for lashing out at you the other night. I also want to apologize for your Mother. I truly believe she's sorry for what she said. Son..." he looked up at Griffin, he hadn't had a proper sit down with either of them in a while, he didn't want to say the wrong thing and drive him away again, "...your Mother should be the most important person in your life. I'm happy for you and Alice. But please, forgive your Mother."

Griffin sat quietly. He couldn't stay mad at his Mum. He just hoped that if he forgave her she wouldn't hold any kind of resentment against Alice. "Dad, as long as Mum is OK with me being with Alice, I'll forgive her. She has to know how happy I am, and she has to understand that you and Alice are no longer together. There are no feelings between the two of you any longer....right?" There was still that shred of doubt that there was something there.

Bruce swallowed hard. Last time he had seen Alice he felt the familiar stir in his gut that he had felt when they were together. His heart beat quickened when he saw her, his cock stirred in his pants....

" course not. There are no feelings between us."

Griffin smiled at Bruce, "Well then, there's nothing to worry about. Maybe we can all get together again this weekend. I do miss seeing Mum. But for now, let's get royally pissed."

Part 2- This is Your Pilot SpeakingWhere stories live. Discover now