for peace;

41 5 9

In a torrent of blood and cries,

thousands of bullets wheeze through in a second,

No time for doubt, each delay is a step closer to death.

In the sea of chaos, I urge forward.

Each heavy step I take, an innocent dies,

Every shot I hesitate-- a betrayal of my motherland,

No time for doubt, each delay is a waste of breath,

In the sea of war, I have no route but forward.

My bullets ricochet into war cries,

A body falls for each shot I land,

This is the price for peace, they say.

But why does it have to be me that pays it?

Still, forward I go, trudging through bodies -

Ringing cries and bullet shots have now become muted

I look at the enemies from a distance,

the world is at a standstill, barely lucid,

Then I thought, 'peace must be a dream',

I aim my wretched gun at me, still torn-

and death must be the lullaby that lulls us to sleep.

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