Never let me go

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Alaric's POV:
"It's been 20 minutes since they last talked Emma, what if something happened" "Ric relax, there both worried and just focusing on finding her" Emma says. "Hope." Both Lizzie and Josie say at the same time. "They found her, see Ric nothing to worry about" For some reason while they were in Josie's subconscious you can hear them talking.

Lizzie's POV:

"Omg poor hope, she's been trying to break out but she can't, look the stone is cracked." Josie says.
"Well get her out" I say.
"Really Josie your subconscious is a fairy tail"
" Oh right" "But that means we would have to find her true loves kiss"
"No duh, go ahead be her prince or whatever!?"
"What if it's not me and I mean, I think I like Jade."
"Just try idiot!"
That's exactly what Josie does, she kisses Hope and we wait for about 20 seconds and nothing happens. "Why isn't it working?!!" Josie says
"Maybe true loves kiss isn't the answer, I'll try magic" I say.
"No you will not" "It's most definitely the answer, my world remember, you should try"
"Eww, you want me to kiss Hope" "Nope not happening"
"Lizzie you made me do it, now you have to. What if it works"
"It Won't"
"How do you know that Lizzie, I felt you feel jealous when MG touched her, you like her don't you"
"No I don't, ShUt Up"
Josie starts laughing.
" FINE I'll try it, if it doesn't work I'll think of some sort of spell"
My heart is beating incredibly fast, my crush is turned to stone and possibly if my kiss turns her back where supposed to be true loves. That would be amazing but wrong, she has Landon but he's dead so I mean I guess I might have a chance. I start to lean on slowly until Josie pushes me towards Hope'a lips. They touch and her lips are cold and feel like stone until some heat starts admitting from them. It's working, the kiss is working!!! Her lips start to become soft and warm, it feels so good and then she cupped my face. I grabbed her waist and bent down a little because of our height difference. I think she knew that it was me, but she would never like me would she?

Hope's POV:

I suddenly wake up and I feel lips pressed against mine. After weeks I have been stuck as stone and now as I open my eyes slightly to see who the kisser is and they are great, to my surprise I see Lizzie kissing me and I mean wow, she is a great kisser and to her side I see Josie smiling. I think she saw me eyes open but right now all I want to do is kiss Lizzie. I cup her cheeks and pull her in more if that was even possible. I didn't want to break the kiss but I needed to breathe, so I pulled away just enough so our foreheads were touching each other and we could see our eyes and lips and everything else about Lizzie, oh no Landon but we were growing apart anyways and Lizzie is beautiful. She's also a great kisser. "Wow" I said " Yea" she said.
"Ahem" Josie said. I think Lizzie and I completely forgot that Josie was even here.

Josie's POV:

They looked so cute and I'm pretty sure they like each other because Hope opened her eyes to see Lizzie kissing her and me standing there. Then she pulled in Lizzie even closer if that was even possible, and at least she,Lizzie, and I would be able to grieve over Landon's death. But it looked like never of them couldn't breathe so I decided to breakup there make out session with a "ahem". They were just complimenting how good each were and how good the kiss was but I'm pretty sure Hope wants Lizzie more than Landon now which is very cute. I'm so happy for them both, and they quickly pulled away from each other until Hope gave in and continued regardless of me standing here so I went to go explore, so they can discuss their feelings.

Lizzie's POV:

"Never let me go" I said
"I won't" Hope said

Another cliffhanger, sorry guys I'm gonna write another one don't worry. These are really fun and I have so much time on my hands soooo😭❤️❤️❤️😭

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