☁️I can't feel my legs!☁️

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regular au
a/n: wat da frick is this mess

No one's POV

It was a nice day. The trio were walking to a new mission they've been assigned. Surprisingly Inosuke wasn't complaining or yelling at them to fight, he was busy studying feathers he found on the side of the road.

He did mention that those feathers were not any that he has seen and didn't feel like they belonged to a bird. Tanjiro brushed it off, saying maybe he hasn't seen this type of bird. But he was anxious too. The smell; it smelled not like a bird's. He knew the smell of animals and birds, but this smell seemed like neither of them.

Zenitsu was also suspicious of the feathers. When the wind would blow on them instead of a soft noise came a jagged version.

Soon they reached a forest. It was dense. Really dense. It seemed if the forest was all black.

The nearby village complained about midnight abductions. In the middle of the night a random person would get abducted. No blood trail or footprints would be left behind. If said person would be soundly sleeping inside the only evidence that would be left at the crime scene were a broken window and feathers.

The feathers were 25 inches in height and faded from black to indigo. The locals started to believe a bird spirit has come to their village to cleanse the unpure. So they built a church with a crane on the top, his wings spread.

But alas the church did not help with the disappearance of random people so the demon slayers have been called over to help solve this situation.

Tanjiro eyed at the sky, the sun was setting. It was almost time. They would come through the forest to the village and find out what was causing all this choas. "Tanjiro do we have to go through the scary forest?!" Zenitsu complained.

He was already scared of the dark, but the thought that he has to fight a bird spirit bigger than a human made him shiver. Tanjiro grabbed Zenitsu's hand who flinched in response, blush slightly showing on his cheeks. "I'm sorry Zenitsu, but this is the only way to stay hidden. And you can hold my hand if you want." he smiled gently.

Zenitsu intertwined their fingers together as they walk into the forest. "Oi Gonpachiro I think I figured out who these feathers belong to-" a loud noise cuts off Inosuke followed by a large wing flap. Zenitsu opens his mouth to scream, but Tanjiro's quick thinking muffles it by placing a hand on his mouth.

Two large wings cast a shadow over the three boys. Tanjiro pulls the two behind a bush. Everyone's adrenaline is pumping. Zenitsu unlike the others, who are keeping a close eye for the winged thing, is crying his eyes out. Fear filled tears are streaming down his face onto Tanjiro's palm that has a strong grip on his mouth.

The burgandy boy realizes that he may need to calm down Zenitsu before he freaks out more and that it hurts Tanjiro to see the blonde boy shake and cry. He only wants to see Zenitsu happy and smiling. Tanjiro's thoughts are cut short by the sound of bones breaking.

He quickly peeks behind the bush to see a disfigured human corpse. Something turns in his stomach and a nauseous feeling overwhelming him. The loud wing flapping came back, but this time it was closer. The breeze gave away that the bird monster was landing. Tanjiro peeked over the bush again to see a demon.

It had large wings 70 inches, was his best guess, instead of arms. For feet it had talons of a falcon. His feathers were the same black to indigo color, long and sharp. His head was like a humans surprisingly. Only the skin color was a dull blue, short indigo feathers rested on top of his head like a replacement of hair. Eyes were piercing gold with a elongated pupil.

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