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Snail Mail
To: Hayley Holliway (exact location unknown)
From: Ollie Funklehouse (Coming for you)
We're coming Hayley 2! Jocelyn 2's tracking spell says we must go north! But in order to steer, I need more carmel cakes! Even though me and Gilly just stole some....
Um.....pretend I didn't write that last part, k?

Snail mail
To: Ollie Funklehouse (Ollie's Stolen Ship)
From: Hayley Holliway (exact location unknown)
How. Dare. You. You stole from that cargo ship, while I was waiting stranded on an island? Ollie! For Carmel cakes?? You need them to steer? Look what happened last time you drove the boat while eating Carmel cakes! Why can't Jax or someone else drive the boat? Please don't crash the boat again. Please. Gilly said you were close, please hurry and stop eating Carmel cakes!

Snail Mail
To: Hayley Holliway (Location Unknown)
From: Gillian Cobbler (Sailing away from Shipwreck Cove)
Are you on a land of ice? Are you at Ahtohallan? Jocelyn's tracker says that you are north, and we have been traveling north for a while now! It's getting scary. We just passed the cargo ship a little while back and we don't see you.
Stay where you are,

After writing the Snail Mail, Gilly said, "Hey! I think I see a land of ice! Ahtohallan!!!"

"Uh huh. Totally, Gillian. My tracking spell says we've only gone half of the way there! Grimm, Ollie, for someone who claims to be the best pirate on the sea, you sure are really slow! Is that a caramel cake in your hand too, Cobbler? I hate search parties. Especially ones that are led by Ollie Funklehouse , in the ocean." Jocelyn snaped.

"Sheesh Jocelyn, just trying to lighten the mood here." Gilly said.

Snail mail
To: The people trying to find me (Ollies Stolen Ship)
From: Hayley Holliway (Excact Location Unknown)
I thought we saw the same Carmel cargo ship? Why are you going to Ahtohalan? Why is this taking so long? I'm going to die alone! At least I have the snail that is delivering mail. I named him Peter. Fiddlesticks, I'm losing it. Help!

Snail Mail
To: Hayley Holliway (location unknown)
From: Jocelyn (On Ollie's stupid ship)
Blame Ollie! He eats camel cakes more than he steers! We're only half of the way there to save you, Hayley!

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