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March 23
"I'm so nervous and excited!" Cheryl said as she bounced on her feet, "I haven't seen Toni since yesterday, I can't wait!"

"Okay, okay! Calm down Cher" Betty laughed. Cheryl and Betty were both currently at Thistle house, getting ready for the big day. Veronica was with Toni helping her as well

Betty went over to the bed, "shall we get you into your wedding dress Cher" the red head smiled brightly and nodded, "Yeah!"


Back at the venue, Veronica's trying to calm Toni's nerves. "Toni take a deep breathe okay" Veronica said placing her hands on the shorter girls shoulders

"W-what if she regrets-" she was sprayed with cold water, "Veronica what the hell!" Veronica sighed, "Antoinette Topaz why are you freaking out? Cheryl loves you why would she regret it, you got nothing to worry about okay" Toni nodded

Veronica splashed her face with water again, "I fucking nodded", "just for extra measures, Okay go get into your dress. You need to get your make up done too" the shorter girl nodded, "yes ma'am"


"Woah! You look amazing Cheryl, Toni's gonna be drooling all over you" The blonde complimented, "Thanks Betty"

"I'm gonna get changed, you make yourself pretty! Well actually your already pretty" The red head smirked, "How flattering"

Betty went into the bathroom to get changed into her dress, whilst Cheryl fixed up her hair and did her make up. Betty walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, "You like great Betty" Cheryl said smiling at the blonde

"Nothing compared to you Cheryl. You almost done?" Cheryl nodded, "Just need to fix my hair. I wonder how Toni's doing"

"Oh, Veronica texted me and told me that Toni's really nervous" Cheryl frowned, "My poor baby's nervous"

"I'm surprised your not nervous at all" the red head laughed and showed Betty her shaking hands, "I'm surprised I haven't fucked up my hair nor makeup"

Betty held Cheryl's hand, "The limo's almost here, are you ready?" Cheryl took a deep breathe before nodding, "I'm ready!"

Betty smiled at Cheryl before leaving the room and heading downstairs, "Good day Miss, are you two ready to go?" Andre asked the two females

"Yes, thank you Andre" Cheryl said as she entered the limo, "No problemo miss" he shut the door once Betty got inside, "Uncle Claudius is walking you down the aisle right?" Cheryl nodded

"Hey don't worry, Veronica and I will be there. And imagine Toni's face once she sees you! Oh your gonna have good sex right after!" Cheryl slapped Betty and blushed, "shut up!"


They arrived at the venue, "I'm nervous!" Betty hugged her cousin, "don't worry, at the end of the day you'll be married to the love of your life. Hey don't cry yet!" Cheryl chuckled, "Thanks Betty, I love you"

"I love you too, okay we'll be waiting for you bombshell" Betty hugged her cousin one more time before she left the limo

"Ms. Cheryl we'll open the doors once your ready" I nodded and took a deep breathe, "no need to rush Cheryl , I understand your nervous" said Claudius "thank you"

I stood there, staring at the doors for a few minutes, "okay open the doors" I said after taking a deep breathe, the both of them nodded and pushed the door opens

Music started played as the doors opened to reveal Cheryl. All eyes turned towards her, "well shit, this is nerve wracking" Cheryl mumbled to herself, she lifted her head up and smiled at the familiar faces

"S-so we just walk down the aisle?" Claudius chuckled, "Yes, once Toni takes you, I will leave and take my seat next to Nana Blossom"

"Alright, time to get married" I put my arm around his as we started walking, "Just breathe, once your up there with Toni everything will be fine" Claudius said to Cheryl

They stopped right in front of Toni, "Take good care of her Antoinette" Claudius said sternly, "I have and will Sir" Toni took Cheryl as Claudius left to seat next to Nana Rose

Cheryl sent her Nana a smile before looking back at Toni, "Jesus Christ your gorgeous" Toni said looking the red head up and down, "Calm down TT"

"Today we are gathered to join Antoinette Topaz and Cheryl Marjorie Blossom in matrimony" the officiant announced


"Toni you are the love of my life. My high school self would have never believed that I'd be getting married to you today" she took a deep breathe before continuing

"You moving to Riverdale High was one of the best things that could've happened, cause if you didn't move to my school I wouldn't have met you, the love of my life Antoinette Topaz"

"You came when I was struggling in life, my guardian angel. I hope that in the near future, we'll have a happy family of our own, something I never had when I grew up. So I hope I can make that with you" Cheryl ended her vow with that final sentence

Toni took a deep breathe, "Well how do I do this" she chuckled nervously, "we both found each other I'd say during a hard time in our life. I was getting kicked out of my house by my uncle, you my dear was struggling on coming out to the people you loved"

"But we then started becoming closer and helped each other during that, eventually we started falling in love with each other" she smiled at the red head

"Which I'm very grateful for because I don't think I could love someone as much as I love you Cheryl Blossom"

"Just like you said, when we do have a family of our own, I can't wait to share the love I have for you with them" that was the end of their vows

The ring bearer than walked up, Toni and Cheryl took the rings, "Do you Cheryl Blossom take Antoinette Topaz as your wedded wife"

Cheryl smiled at the love of her life, "I do" she said and placed the ring on Toni, "Do you Antoinette Topaz take Cheryl Blossom as your wedded wife"

"I do" Toni said as she then placed the ring, "With these rings I thee wed Antoinette Topaz and Cheryl Blossom, Wife and Wife" the officiant looked at the two, "You may now kiss the bride"

Toni cupped Cheryl's face and kissed her passionately. Cheers and applauses filled the Banquet

"I love you" Cheryl whispered after pulling away from Toni, "I love you too Cheryl Topaz"

"Woohoo! Tiny got married!" Sweet pea yelled making the newlywed laugh


"Bouquet toss bitches!" Veronica yelled and the girls grouped up, "Here you Cher" Betty handed her the bouquet before running to the group

"Okay ready?" Cheryl asked, all of them them yelled 'yes'. She counted down and threw the bouquet back, which both Veronica and Betty grabbed at the same time

They smirked, "Forsythe and Archibald! Your future wives await you!" Betty and Veronica yelled, Cheryl laughed and walked back to Toni, who was being interrogated by Nana Rose

"Nana, you know Toni means well" Cheryl said sitting down next to Toni, "I know sweet heart, just for extra measures"

Toni grabbed Cheryl's hand, "How do you feel knowing you're my wife now?" Cheryl leaned forward, "One of the best things that ever happened in my life"

Toni pecked Cheryl's lips, "tonight will also be the best thing to happen in your life" Toni smirked at the taller girl

"Oh my god baby!" A blush crept to her cheeks, "we haven't fucked in awhile since we've been preparing for the wedding so..."

Cheryl rolled her eyes, "I love you Cheryl Topaz" Toni kissed her, "I love you too Antoinette Topaz"

                                         The end
Thank you so much for supporting and reading this story! Hope you all enjoyed it 💕

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