#1 //the New Boy//

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I woke up by my mom screaming: "Get up your gone be late!" And then I hear my alarm clock, I see at the time and I have like 10 minutes to get ready. I quickly get up change into my favorite blue jeans and my nice green olive shirt. (Or choose what you want to wear.) I brush my hair as fast as I can and put it in a messy ponytail, because I mostly put my hair in a ponytail cause I don't like my hair loose but now it's messy cause I don't got time. I ran downstairs, say good morning to my mom, grab my lunch and an apple, do all my things in my back, go outside and go to school on my bike. I love driving to school with my bike how the wind feels in my face and how my bike smoothly rides over the streets. When I was at school I felt so embarrassed I fell over a protruding stone from the side walk, and when I tried to organize my papers that fell I bumped in to a guy who was I think staring at the school.

Thomas POV
I was staring at the school, I was a little nervous. My first day in my new school, the most off the students probably made their friend groups already so maybe I don't fit in. While I was still in my thoughts somebody bumped into me and her papers went all over the floor. I turned around to see a beautiful girl saying: "shoot! Sorry I wasn't looking. Are you okay?" And trying to gather all her papers back. "Oh it's nothing, are you okay?" I asked while I helped her picking up the papers. I took the last one and as we both looked up to each other I stared in her beautiful y/e/c  eyes, and I think she was staring two.

I looked up seeing a handsome tall boy with fluffy dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Uh..yeah I'm fine." I said while I drowned in his eyes. We stared for a few seconds but then he broke the silence. "Sorry I'm new and I was just in my bloody thoughts." He said as we still kneeled on the ground looking at each other, and now I notice he got a British accents. Damn. I stoop up, him following up two as I asked: "so new boy...what's your first class?" He looked down at his paper. "Math. Ohw and it's Thomas." He said and he held he's hand up for me to shake. "Y/n" I say as I shake his hand, chuckling. "Lucky for you I got math two." (Lol it rhymes) I say as I took his arm and dragged him with me. "You have to have a good spot so always be a few minutes early so you can sit in the back by a window, that are the good spots." I say while we enter class. "Math is boring so a spot by the window is perfect." I added. "Math is not boring it's fun." He said. "Oh I hate math. If we got a test I end up studying all night and I never had an A here."  "Well I think I do pretty great. Maybe I can help you a bit." "I would love that. Your a good guy, you know that right?" "Pff of cours I know. I mean look at me." He joked. "Oh but not to long my eyes will burn from the shine your body gives." I joked with him but actually I was also telling the truth. We both said their laughing until the bell rang and everybody came in. The lesson was for once pretty fun. He helped me understand math and sometimes we joked around. The lesson was over and I had a free period. So had Thomas. "Can you help me?" He asked. "Sure what's up?" I answered. "Where is locker 27?" "No way!" "What?" "My locker is 26. So it's perfect first we go to your locker and then I go can give you a tour, if we have time left we go to my favorite spot in this school. Come on let's go!" I said and dragged him with me. Again. I know I just met him an hour ago but I felt like we are best friends already. I showed him his locker putted some stuff in mine, he organized his locker and putted some books in  I gave him the tour off the school and some info about the students. Luckily we got like 25 minutes left so I dragged him to my favorite spot. It is by a three on the grass "so this three, no words for it you can sit around it, climb in it, it has beautiful leafs I just love it." I say as I pet it. "It is a pretty nice three." He said chuckling. We sat down and chatted like that about his first school and this school and about other random things I think I caught feelings for him. We we're laughing and then just stared in each other's eyes when suddenly.....
Yep I will leave you hanging. But it's a good thing I only do this because I want you to come back. Next chapter soon. Thank for reading and competents about your opinions about my story's are always welcome ideas two. Bye❤️🕊 (922 words)

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