Mom and Dad Of The Team

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Third POV :

The whole nekoma team were stretching after finishing their practice.
Yaku was currently stretching and giving some tips to Lev. And Kuroo was helping Kenma stretch and they were looking really close because of how Kenma let Kuroo handle him and how Kuroo was diligently helping him made it look like they really trust each other with their bodies which made yaku's heart ache because he was in love with Kuroo since the mid of his first year but never really told anyone because he knew Kuroo doesn't really see him that way.

Yaku has always been like this cause even in their first year Kuroo always talk about Kenma like he was his life topic.

Like 'how lazy Kenma is', 'how smart he is', 'he is so cool in his own way', 'how many video games he can play', etc. It used to annoy Yaku a lot in his first year but he eventually got used to it , it still hurts him to know that how Kuroo and Kenma are so close that they know each others smallest habits.

Yaku always thought that he will get over his crush on Kuroo but how stupid he was to think that he will. His crush on Kuroo only got bigger by the time and turned into love. Now Yaku had accepted his fate and can only love him from the sidelines. Now he just wants to spend time with him and be with him in their greatest moments in Nekoma volleyball club. He can only support Kuroo to take their team to nationals and he is happy to be his companion on their last journey with their volleyball club.

Yaku's POV:
I was stretching and wad refraining myself from looking at Kuroo and Kenma because of intimate they were looking.

Suddenly Lev said something really unexpected " Yaku san , you, Kuroo san and Kai san are the third years wouldn't that makes you guys mom, dad and uncle of the team" said Lev. ' where'd that came from? ' I said in my mind. Lev again continued " so should I call Yaku san neko-mom and Kuroo san neko-dad ". " Huh " it slipped out of my mouth unexpectedly.

" Hahaha... hahaha isn't it hilarious Yaku san. Neko mom and neko dad hahaha...." Lev said while laughing. After recovering from laughing too much Lev sat straight then I said " why am I the mom Lev ? " " Cause you and Kuroo san will make good mom and dad. And Kai san is more like a uncle who stays out of trouble and besides he will look wierd with Kuroo san and Kuroo san doesn't really suit the mom character. So in last your the one who suits the mom character most." said Lev proudly and satisfied with his explanation.
I was looking at him while he was again thinking of something and then he said " but Yaku san , it's kinda true about you being the mom and Kuroo san being dad cause how you always scold us like a mother would do to her children and care about us . While Kuroo san always boasts our morale , makes us dependent on him like a father and helps us."

'Mom and Dad of the team , how did that even came into his mind ' I thought while zoning out . And was interrupted by a loud Haiba Lev saying my name " Yaku san, stop zoning out . Were you even listening to me !?" Said Lev . " Lev I was listening to you. " I said " then say something about it . Come on share your thoughts with me" said Lev .
"Sigh. Okay okay , as you said. I don't know about Kai but about Kuroo he is the captain of the team isn't it his duty to do all those things for his team . Its normal for him to be like that and about me being the mom is wierd , I only do those things cause I'm your senpai and a third year and its my duty to help my kouhai and teammates. So its normal for us to be caring towards you guys . Lev your thinking is really childish." I said finishing explaining then looking at him.

He started pouting and looked away and said " I'm not childish Yaku san and if its like that then Yaku san is a really cool senpai and I just wanted to talk about it to you anyway". " Huh talk to me about it. Why so suddenly Lev ? " I asked getting a little curious because this topic was getting a little too interesting for me . " Oh its because yesterday I was chatting with Hinata and he started to talk about how his team's 'captain and vice captain are like the mom and dad of the team so he calls them Sugamama and Dadchi' so because of that ." Lev said sulkily.
"Sugamama and Dadchi pfft ... Hahaha.. ha......,..I am going have a little chat with Sugawara about this " I said giggling a bit . Then I take a look at Lev's face he was looking like a disappointed kid who got rejected for something. ' ha I can't take this ' I thought and said " sigh Lev look at me." " Hmm " said Lev looking at me with that same rejected puppy look.

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