Chapter 1

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My mothers screams were louder than the sirens. I wanted to reach for her but I couldn't feel my body. I could smell smoke and blood nearby. Blackness was seeping into my head and the world flickered in and out of darkness. I tried to see what was happening but my eyes stayed glued on the same spot, unable to move. A strangled scream clawed at my throat, searching for a way out. There was none. I felt someone take my wrist. Their warm hands left mine after a moment and I immediately missed the contact.

''No pulse,'' I heard a mans voice say. I shivered. Somebody was dead.

''We'll have to take her in the ambulance. You get the mother.'' A second voice said. I felt myself being hoisted onto a stretcher and wheeled along the gravel covered road. I tried to move my eyes but the only result was a burning sensation and temporary loss of vision. I expected the feeling to stop but instead it continued down through my body, like fire, burning everything in its path.

A silent scream ripped through me and my head felt like it was about to explode. I was drowning in a sea of fire and I couldn't swim. I fought against the pain to almost no avail. I wasn't in my right mind at the moment. I stopped focusing on myself and took in my surroundings. All I could see was the roof of the ambulance but I could feel something. A warm hand was clutching my cold one, but the feeling wasn't right. I couldn't place it. it was almost like there was a blanket between my hand and... I listened to the soft crying sounds emitting from the person beside me and could immediately tell it was my mom. I wanted to scream, to tell her I was okay, I couldn't.

Black spots were beginning to cloud my vision and my body was slowly going numb. Panic began to creep into my thoughts and my stomach churned uneasily. I could barely see anything now and I began to freak out. Except... I couldn't. Something was wrong. Really wrong. I couldn't think properly anymore. I also couldn't see properly. Maybe I was in love. Didn't people say that you went blind when you were in love? I would have laughed if I could. I couldn't because a cat had stolen my tongue. How funny... My brain was slowing down. I couldn't... I didn't... The last thing I heard was the ambulance doors flying open and muffled shouts that were too late.

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