17: "the next day"

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(y/n pov)

I walked into the classroom and then remembered that Aloe wasn't here anymore, I sat against the wall and pulled my phone out.


hey Aloe

hey y/n, OMG


I heard you got in a fight with some girl at one of pinto's party

Oh that yeah n e ways I'm in gym and I miss u :(

I miss you too :( I'm in history rn

ew history lmao

How are you and Kai?

we're not friends anymore bc he's a bitch and a liar

Throughout gym I went on a rant to Aloe about Kairi, He told me that I should give Kai a chance but I told him that I was done with giving him a chance. The bell rung so we both had to go, I walked to lunch and saw Kairi walking out of school with some girl. I walked into the lunchroom and sat where we'd usually sit, Mattia caught me off by surprise when he sat next to me, I looked at him and he gave me a grin before going on his phone.

I went on mine and then heard Alejandro "have y'all seen Kai?" he asked me and Mattia, "I saw him leaving school" I went back on my phone and Alejandro was talking with Robert. I finished my snack and then got up and walked out since there was still some time left till we had to go to class, I walked out and sat along the brick wall that I had once sat with Kai. I thought about what we talked about and I didn't know why I believed that he would change.

I got up and walked to class and sat in my usual seat, Mattia walked in and flashed me a smile like every time when he would see me. I smiled back and did my work, I expected Kairi to come to class but he didn't, the bell rung and I walked out and was on my way to computer tech until I heard Mattia call my name.

I waited for him and he caught up and said "so how's your day been" I sighed and said "It's been alright" he nodded and said "pretty bad hangover?" I chuckled and said "If it was bad I wouldn't of come to school today" we chuckled and we went our separate ways to class. I got to class and sat in the back and was just ready to get out of school. I had computer tech so this wasn't an important class, I raised my hand and asked if I could use the restroom.

The teacher said yes so I took the pass and walked out, I didn't actually have to use the restroom I just was bored in that class so I was going to walk around. I was walking through the hall and saw Kairi walking out of the restroom, he looked at me and then started walking my way. I turned around and walked away and kept walking to where I heard the steps behind me get louder, I then felt someone pull me back.

"so why are you mad at me now" Kairi said while holding my arm in his hand, I took his hand off and said "we're not friends no more remember" he chuckled as I turned around and walked away. I then heard him say "you got a nice ass" I looked at him and flicked him off, turning around and walking back to class "love you too baby"...tbc

lover boy; K.Cosentinoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن