Chapter 2 "the notes"

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After yesterday's incidents Melissa McCall ( Scott's mother) called Stiles' father saying that Stiles would be staying the night at the McCall house, you see.. Scott told his mother about what happened at school and she was worried sick about stiles, so she decided he would stay the night so he would have a friend with him for the night and so she could track his behaviour to see what was wrong with stiles, after Stiles found a blow-up bed in the family attic he took it into Scott's room and got the bed ready for him to sleep in it tonight, after he finished with the bed he heard Miss McCall shout his and Scott's name ( Scott was in the bathroom having a shower) "Stiles! Scott! I ordered food for us all to eat and it's arrived"

Scott shouted from the bathroom "One sec mom I'm in the shower and Stiles is getting his bed ready"

"Okay boys don't be too long tho because we don't want to eat cold pizza" said Melissa

As soon as she said the word 'Pizza' the two boys came running down as fast as they can, Scott was in a towel and Stiles was throwing on his spare shirt to sleep in while running down the stairs. She was surprised how the boys ran down so fast even tho every time she brought up the word 'pizza' they ran as fast as they could, they've been doing that since they were young.

Stiles beat Scott to the dining table and sat down in his favourite seat ( also Scott's favourite seat that they would fight over all the time ) Scott have Stiles a threatening but jokey look and Stiles gave him the same look.

Melissa laughed while she was scoffing pizza in her mouth and as soon as she finished and swallowed her pizza she spoke "Wow boys your still the same after years aren't you?!" The three giggled and ate the pizza.

After Scott and Stiles said 'Night' to Melissa they turn off the lights and went upstairs, as soon as they were able to even touch their beds they fell straight asleep

Melissa's POV:

I've been documenting about Stiles' new behaviour since that ritual or whatever it was happened, I've done the same with Allison and Scott, Scott hasn't changed much except when the full moon comes he gets really anxious and Allison seems to be seeing 'things' or should I say the 'dead', I asked Allison  about it and she answered with " Well it's all fine except I've been seeing my dead aunt all the time..", But even tho how curious she was of her son and Allison she kept wondering what was happening to Stiles, so she crept up the stairs and slowly twisted the door handle and tip toed into Scott's room where him and Stiles were fast asleep, she made a small smile but then shook her head and began to search stiles' and Scott's bag for any information, in Scott's bag he found a notebook and on the first page it said 'Stiles Stilinski's new behaviour"
'1. Confusion'
'2. Anxious'
'3. Stressed'
'4. Always looks behind himself to make sure no ones there'
'5. Sleep talking/ Sleep walking - noted by Stiles' father'
'6. Sleep terrors'
'7. Nightmares'
'8. Anger and Rage'
'9. Looks like he's going to throw up every five seconds/ very pale skin and blackish reddish bags under his eyes'


Melissa was shocked that Scott was also watching over Stiles the same way she was, anyways she took a picture of the notebook page with her phone camera and then searched for more information and ended up finding pills in Stiles' bag, there was no name on the pill bottle just blood marks, she when from curious to concerned, she was determined to find out more then she saw Stiles moving a lot in his sleep. Stiles kept turning and twisting whispering "Don't let him in, Don't let him in please.." " I'll do anything just don't hurt them.. I'll do anything just don't hurt her.." then he started whispering in Japanese then went back to the English language and started to say names "Nog-" "Nogitsu-" " don't hurt her.." "Lydia..." "who...?" " no"... the random names and words carried on for an hour till he was screaming and shouting " DONT PLEASE" he shouted ten times, " STOP! WAIT" " WAIT PLEASE" then she woke him up as fast as she could when he started to scream.

he asked her what was wrong and she replied with " I should be asking you that question.."

His face changed from a white Pale face to a Icier looking face, he looked like he was going to throw up and so he ran to the bathroom I tried to open the door but he locked it

Stiles' POV:

I felt I'll after she spoke to me, so I ran to the bathroom and locked the door, I went to look in the mirror but then I ended up running to the sink and I turned on the tap and I threw up blood and what looked like black ink or something like that.. I then looked in the mirror and I looked like a freak, I felt like I finally saw the real 'me' since forever, but then I look around my neck area and saw these black veins piercing through my skin and so I took off my shirt and I couldn't see my back properly but I could tell the veins got bigger when it reached to my back, after seeing the veins I got so angry for no reason so I put my shirk back on hoping to walk back through to the bedroom till anger flooded me.. I felt like I was going to crack so I faced the mirror with anger and I...   

(Sorry for the cliffhanger but I think you can tell either way what was going to happen, I'm a horrible writer.. I'm sorry)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed!

— Daliah xx

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