Chapter 3

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"Ok George let's go"
Georges P.O.V: the kid led me under the climbing frame "right"he said"i got a plan"
He explained the plan"Jeff you distract Miss Coward and me George and John will go into the lunchbox room and get them then we'll celebrate with the lunches!" "oh and George I'm Joe nice to meet you"
Jeff got into place and then spilt his juice in n his pants and said "miss I've a wet my pants"
Then miss Coward said" Ok I'll go get your spare pants you stay here
Joe whispered to me "go go go!"
I sprinted with him just behind me and opened the door to the classroom I ran to the lunchbox room opened the door then closed after Joe and John got in "ok let's get the lunch then get out of here its scary"
Suddenly a voice said "what are you doing here!"

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