Chapters 1-5

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Nishinoya fanfic owo

Chapter 1 - After a Long Day

It's a lovely day in Karasuno Highschool. The birds are chirping, and students are laughing, and the wind is blowing. "5..4..3..2..1..!" The whistle blows, as the team all congratulates one another on another victory. "Great work, guys!" Daichi said with a slight sigh of relief. "You guys better get home and rest for the big game tomorrow!"
"People always said he was like the 'dad' of the team," Nishinoya said, wiping sweat off of his forehead as his brown eyes sparkle in the light of the sun. With a chuckle, he said "you know, I'm glad you were able to make it to the practice, Zoe. I think you being there gave me a bit of extra confidence."  Blushing, you say, "well, you played great out there. I'm so glad I got to watch." Nishinoya notices a new ice cream shop around the block.  Karasuno Ice Cream... well that's original. You think to yourself. "Let's go check it out!" He says ecstatically. "You know I can't afford it at the moment.." you say, embarrassed. Mom hasn't been doing to well after Dad died. I can't take her money for some stupid ice cream! Interrupting your train of thought, he says, "it's alright. I'll pay."
"No, no! You can't!"
"Yes, I insist."
With a wink and a smile he takes your hand and runs over to the cute little shop.

Chapter 2 - The Ice Cream Store

You two sit, staring longingly into one another's eyes at a cute little high-top table in the small ice cream shop. "So, we should probably go order" He says. You get embarrased.  Jesus! I was to damn focused on him we forgot to order!! Fuck he probably thinks I'm a dumbass!
So, as you think of all the reasons he'd be a perfect husband you two wait in line for the ice cream. Soon enough, you two get to the front of the line. "Hey! Uh... can I uh.. get uh.. 2 mint chip cones?"
He knew mint chip was my favorite.. ugh I love him too much.
"Babe, lets go sit back down." He says smiling at you with that sweet little grin he does when he's flustered.
"You know, one day we're gonna get married"
"Where did that come from,
"Oh, I was just thinking about the future... you know.. our future."
"Well, I don't want to go anywhere right now. Like is perfect. Perfect school, perfect volleyball team, perfect girlfriend" he said, giving you a wink. You blush, and go back up to grasp your ice creams. You both immediately start licking the ice cream and Nishinoya says, "You got.." and immediately stop talking. Out of nowhere, he licks your nose. "You had some ice cream on your face" he said, laughing. You laugh along and say "well, you could've just told me?!" And you continue laughing, blushing all the while.  "I love you." He says. "I love you too." You immediately say after.
"Let's head back to my place, to study for the final."
"Sounds good, Nishi"
You both walk down the sidewalk, holding hands.

Chapter 3 - You know me too well!

"Keys?" You say. Nishinoya hands you the keys to his cute modern apartment. You quickly snatch them saying "bruh I gotta piss." Nishinoya laughs his ass off as you run to the restroom.
You finish up your business and go out to the living room, to see Nishinoya sitting on the couch, shirtless. "Hey baee" you say while you both laugh.
"I picked out a good movie for us!"
"Ooh! What is it?"
"Tell me!"
"Close your eyes!"
Nishinoya fumbles around with the remote and the Avengers theme begins to play.
"Oh my god."
"I knew you've been wanting to see this movie for a while.. so I bought it!"
He grins and puts his finger up to his mouth saying shh and proceeds to look at the screen.
You lay your head on his shoulder and drift off....

Chapter 4 - An unexpected Visit.

You wake up to a loud "crash!" And you immediately sit up and notice nishinoya isn't there.
You see him passed out on the floor
You yell, quickly running over in tears.
"B.. b.."
"What is it baby! spit it out!"
"B... b.. behi.."
"I believe he means 'Behind you.'"
You look behind you to see a tall, ominous figure.
"You thought you could steal him away from us and get away with it."
You quickly say, "Who are you! Why are you here! What did you do to my Nishinoya!
"You mean, my nishinoya."

He has the same face as my Nishi. Holy shit. It's his father. Crap crap crap
What do I do. He's a grown-ass man. Why would he do this? I ca-

"Enough daydreaming. I will let him live on one condition."
"W-what may that be.."
"You will die."

He raises his arm, revealing a dagger, roughly around 9 inches long preparing to stab you. Why he was doing this? Nobody knows. Your life is flashing before your eyes. Your kids.. your parents.. your friends.. you-
the sound of the gunshot startled you. You look back to see Nishinoya holding a gun, aimed right at his father. His father drops dead to the floor, leaving a stain of blood on the ground. You two decide it would be best to clean up the body, and file a police report. 

Chapter 5 - The Ending

"Shit.." He said, trying to wipe the blood off his nose. You quickly say "no, don't do that." And you run to get him a towel and an ice pack.
"Babe, I'm fine."
"No you aren't! You have a stab wound in your chest!"
"It oka-"
You quickly stop him, pressing your finger up to his mouth.
"Shh.. it's okay baby. It'll all be okay."
He rests his head in your lap, and you cradle his head with your arms.
"I love you.." he says, nearly asleep.
"I love you too, Nishi." You say, just before dozing off with him in your arms.

~The end~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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