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So I got tagged by bangtan-planet ..again


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1. Sexuality
- sti ru eight

2. Gender
- gurr

3. Happy?
- from Fairy Tail? AYE!!
..excuse my weeb self

4. Last song I heard
- BlackPink Ddu ddu ddu (japanese version)

5. Hair colour
- Dark brown

6. Zodiac


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7. Last person I kissed
- does flying kiss your reflection count?

8. Fav colour
- Blue& Black are main colours

9. Fav food
- if I tell you, there will be no ending :v

10. Battery%
- almost 100 since i'm charging it rn :>

11. Fav vegetable
- Potatoes yum yum, carrots(i love to eat it raw)

12. Celebrity crush
- I have none •-•

13. Eye colour
- same as my hair °~°

14. Shoe size
- it's either 4 or 3 idk..I think it's the latter

15. Dream job
- is musician a job? Cuz it's already my dream

16. 20 tag people
-  This has been fun :]
Who will I tag tho..
Ohh I might some:









(I'LL juSt prEteNd I cAn't couNt aND tHink thAt I've chOsen 20 aLreadY)

Guys did you know??? You got tagged! By some gurr name 'gummybunny2x7'. Like whaaaaaat??
Anyway$ have fun tagging people too hehe.

Bye for now. ^^^ Sayanora! ^^^^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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