Help fight the fight

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The next day, you were determined to make right with Stark.

Once you got there, you stood by the cabin and sighed out. All you could hear was birds chirping and leaves rustling.

"Go on." Steve narrowed his eyes at you, breaking the silence.

"I'm going, I'm going." You turned to Steve, who was watching how you were reacting.

"Me and my dad have gotten into a fair amount of fights before. This?" You scoffed and turned to Cap. "I don't know."

You walked up to the door and nodded to Cap that you were all good. You heard the car drift off and turned your body towards the screen door. You dig into your pocket and remember that you have a key that your father gave you.
You quietly unlocked the door and headed inside, not revealing anyone.

You walk down the hallway, touching the walls. You hear footsteps and glance up, revealing Pepper, your mom.

Your eyes widened in a beaming way, as you walk over to her for a hug.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled into her chest as she shushes you, caressing your hair.

"It's alright, hon. I'm just happy to see my baby." She pulled you away to look at your red, puffy face. "Welcome home, Y/N."

You smile, sniffling.

Suddenly, you hear the kitchen sink go off. Your eyes perked up and you walked right into the kitchen, revealing your father washing the dishes. You leaned on the wall as he was drying them. You turn your head behind you, having your mom nod to you to make things right.

"Hey, dad." You mumbled to not startle him.

With no scare, your father speaks, "Hey, Y/N." He answered back in a dull tone.

You walked closer to Stark who was putting the dishes away. You grabbed a plate and started to help.

"I saw mom. She's happy I'm home." You mentioned. All you could hear was dishes clanking as they were being put away.

"I am too." Your father glanced up at you, faint smiling.

You smiled back but with more enthusiasm. "Look, Dad-"

"It's okay." He answered without you finishing your sentence.

"It's not, I-"

"You need to know that me and your mother love you no matter what. You want to fight this fight? Go ahead, I'm not going to stop you nor is your mother. We raised you to fight for what you think is right. We did a pretty damn good job at it." He nodded to you, placing the last dish away.

You sniffed, tearing up. "And I got it from you."

Stark shot you an surprised glance, "Yeah, that you did."

"I need you in this with me. I can't do it alone." You begged him, stepping closer. "We owe it to fight for the hero's that can't." Your eye caught a framed picture of you and Peter holding his internship certificate. You walked over to it and picked it up.

You caressed it, "We need to fight for him."

Stark walked up to you with the picture in your hand. You motioned your hand for Stark to take it. He got the memo and took it.

"Peter didn't deserve this. I love him." Your eyes started to water, sniffing as you glanced down to the floor.

"You love him?" Stark raised his eyebrows, not really shocked just surprised you actually said it.

"I do." You caught your breath.

"Come here." Stark pulled you into his chest for a hug, "I love you."

"I love you, 3000." You mumbled into his chest.

You and Stark head into the living room, as you see Pepper reading a book sitting on the couch.

Tony paces in front of the fireplace with you standing right beside him.

Pepper glanced up at you two, admiring. She closes her book, "This can wait."

"I figured it out, by the way." Stark all of a sudden mentioned.

"What?" You curiously asked, confused.

"You know, just so we're talking about the same thing -" Pepper shot a glance at Stark.

"Time travel."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" You, in an annoyed sense asked Stark.

"I wanted my two worlds to know at the same time."

"What? Wow... That's amazing, and... terrifying." Pepper was amazed for a second, then dull.

"We got really lucky." You sat next to Pepper, staring up at Stark.

"Yeah, I know." Stark nodded.

"A lot of people didn't." Pepper mentioned.

"No, I can't help everybody." Stark reminded.

"It sort a seems like you can." You informed Stark.

"Not if we stop. We can put a pin in it right now, and stop." You gave your mother options, just in case she was against you leaving again.

"Y/N, get you and your father to stop has been one of the few failures of my life." Pepper reminded you in a kind way.

Tony smiles at Pepper and to you. You scoffed a little of laughter.

"I sometimes feel I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of a lake... go to bed." You stood up and glanced to your bedroom. You crossed your arms.

"But would you be able to rest?"

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