Chapter 6: A close call

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Patton's P.O.V

"Boys! I've made dinner!" My mom called from downstairs. I stood from Virgil's lap, thankful that I didn't have to complete my dare, and outstretched my hand to help him up. He took my hand and stood. The silence was awkward slightly, but another call from my mom made us both smile and head out of my room. I skipped down the stairs, Virgil walking behind me. My mom stood by the dining table with a lasagne in her hands. I sat down at the table, inviting Virgil to sit beside me and watched intently as my mom put the lasagne in the centre. "This looks amazing!" I complimented, my mom's cooking skills where the best! My mom ruffled my hair "thanks honey". We all sat and ate the delicious meal that had been cooked, when the door opened. I snapped my head up and bounced out of my seat. "Mama!" "Hey squirt" My mama said as she hugged me. She placed her hand on my cheek "ow honey, that looks sore" I smiled, "I'm okay Mama, Virgil helped me!" Virgil looked up and blushed "well thank you Virgil" my mama said, walking over to Virgil and hugging him, surprising him slightly.

With mama here now, we all ate our dinner. I glanced at Virgil, who had cleared his plate, and was now looking at me, before looking down after being caught. I giggled and took Virgil's hand in my own, squeezing it gently. I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and giggled again. "So honey, how long is your boyfriend staying" mama asked, and I felt my face go bright red "oh, I'm not- we arent-" Virgil stuttered out, and my parents both chuckled. "Oh I'm joking sweetie, but you two would be cute together" we both blushed. "Mamaaa" I groaned, hiding my red face in my shoulder. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, and looked up to see Virgil smiling at me. He booped my nose and I moved my head up, smiling.

Third person P.O.V
After clearing up the plates, Virgil and Patton sat in the living room "Thanks for having me Patton, maybe we can have a sleepover soon" Patton practically jumped for joy. "Of course!" He exclaimed. "Oh, Patton honey, it's getting late" Rachel called from the kitchen "Oh Shoot! I can walk you home if you want Virgil" Patton offered. "Oh, no that's fine Patton, I dont mind walking by myself, I need to pick up dinner for my dad anyway" Patton poured "I can't let you walk home by yourself Virgil, and we have some lasagne left, you can take some home" Patton insisted, not allowing Virgil to change his mind. "Okay... fine..." Virgil sighed giving in. Patton giggled and collected the leftover lasagne, before pulling Virgil off the couch and towards the door. "Be safe Patton!" His moms called "I will!" Patton yelled back, before opening the front door and walking out onto the driveway, Virgil not far behind.

As the two boys made their way to Virgil's house, Virgil started conversation. "So... you have two Moms?" He asked cautiously "uh huh! They are the best! What's your dad like?" The energetic boy asked. "Oh, he's okay, things have been a bit rough since my mom left, but he's good" Virgil said, and Patton smiled sadly. "Why did your mom leave...?" He asked carefully "oh, it was nothing, just a bit of stuff between my parents, I never really got to meet her though" Patton grabbed Virgils hand, intertwining their fingers "I'm sorry, that must be hard" Virgil shook his head, squeezing Pattons hand softly "it's okay Patton, I've been fine without her" he assured him. They continued to walk on a comfortable silence, both forgetting about their connected hands. They soon got to Virgils house, the paint was chipping slightly on the outside walls. "Well, this is my house, I'll see you tomorrow right?" Virgil asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Of course! Thank you again Virgil, I dont know what would happen if you hadn't helped me" Virgil smiled and pressed his lips to Pattons forehead. "No problem Patton"

Patton p.o.v

I waited until Virgil was fully inside his house, then started walking home. It was getting dark, but luckily I had my phone and the street lamps to light my way. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up messenger, typing a message to V.

'Hey V'

'Pat! Hey! You okay?'

'Yep, I'm great, I'm walking home now and I wanted to message you'

'Okay, stay safe'

'I will V, don't worry'

'Still, it's going to be dark soon, I dont want anything happening to my poor innocent bean'

I giggled

'Of course'

'Oh... I g2g, my dad wants me'

'Okie dokie, see you later V'

'See you later Pat, stay safe'

I pocketed my phone and looked around. The street lamps where very dim, but it was still bright enough to see where I was going. My walk home was uneventful and I was happy to get home and relax. I shut the front door behind me and slipped off my shoes, before walking throught the hallway to the living room where my moms were sitting on the couch. "Hey squirt, Virgil get home okay?" mama asked me, and I nodded quickly. I saw mom check the time. "You should head to bed now honey, your going to be sore from those bruises in the morning" she said, and I nodded. I walked over to both my moms and kissed them both on the cheek, before giggling and racing upstairs to my bedroom. I quickly stripped down and changed into my puppy print pyjamas and flicked off my light. After texting V goodnight, I took of my glasses, placed them on my nightstand, then pulled my comforter up to my chin and fell into an easy sleep.

~next morning~

I woke up to a light knocking on my bedroom door. Rubbing my eyes, I flicked on my bedside lamp and put on my glasses. My mom opened my door and peered her head in. "Morning honey, how are you feeling? Not too sore?" She asked me, and I nodded "I'm okay mom, my cheek is a little sore, but I'll be okay!" She walked over to me and sat beside me on my bed, holding my chin up with her finger and looking over my face. "You've got a little bruise on your cheek and nose sweetie" I smiled softly "it's okay mom, it doesn't hurt too much" she smiled at me and nodded, then stood up and made her way to my door, "make sure you get plenty of rest honey" she said, before leaving and closing the door softly behind her. I got out of bed and yawned, stretching slightly, and made my way over to the bathroom across the hall.

After showering, I looked at myself in the mirror. There were purple and blue bruises on my face, and I brushed my fingers over them, wincing slightly. I could see bruises and scratches on my sides, just below my ribcage. It didnt hurt, unless I touch it, or moved too quickly, so i was glad i was able to take the day off school. Turning around to go back to my bedroom, I gasped when I saw the familiar purple and black hoodie of Virgil standing infront of me.

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