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1) Bruce and Thor. Thor is just innocent and stupid and Bruce is sassy. I love sassy.

2) I have a lot, but the five mains are (baby) Groot, Bucky, Loki, Wanda, and Pietro.

3) Brutasha. They should've ended up together.

4) Team Cap. For. Life. There's no one in team Iron Man that makes me say: "OMG YOU'RE MY FAV." Besides: Steve is right. It wasn't Bucky's fault.

5) Wanda. It's simple yet fab.

6) Obviously Seb Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Paul Rudd. More, of course, those are just the mains.

7) Lizzie Olsen. Definitely.

8) Bucky, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver. Boom.

9) LOKI IS NOT A VILLAIN, NEITHER IS BUCKY. Hela. She can be dangerous and funny at the same time and her actress is the sweetest.

10) Rocket and Groot. They're the cutest characters ever. And the Cap-squad (Sam, Bucky, Steve), of course.

11) Thor and Valkyrie. Why did they never get together?

12) Wanda's and Loki's. They're lovely.

13) Steve and Sharon. Sharon just needs to fuck off. Sorry, but come on.

14) Rocket and Groot. Rocket has had a very hard past but everyone was too busy shipping Star-Lord and Gamora. And Groot... More screen time for him, that's all I needed.

15) All of the times Loki died, when Bucky "died", when Pietro died, the blip, when Groot died, Tony's funeral, when Steve gives his shield to Sam, when Vis died, when Bucky cried when they saw the footage of him killing Tony's parents... And a lot of scenes from Civil War. Especially when they turned Bucky into the Winter Soldier. And when they brainwashed him in The Winter Soldier.

16) Winter Soldier. No doubt. It's so sad, and he tries to recover. He tries to face his fears to climb over them. I love him. I'm saying Winter Soldier because when Bucky turns into him, he doesn't even think he has a backstory.

17) "Can you move your seat up?"
           - Bucky Barnes, Civil War

18) The ex-wife and Clint's arrows. I mean, he can make, like, forty robots explode with only eleven arrows.

19) Basically every interview with Seb or Seb and Mackie. And the one where Aaron and Lizzie talk with a boy dressed up as Thor when he asks how Lizzie's hair color changes.

20) Paul Rudd, Bettany, and Anthony Mackie. Bettany is so sweet and fun, so is Mackie. And Paul is just a comedic five-year-old.

21) Lizzie Olsen. She's the sweetest woman ever. I just wanna be her BFF already.

22) When it comes to force: Hulk, probably. He can smash into everything and almost nothing can knock him backward. Personality: Cap. He's always loyal to his loved ones and fights for what he believes is right. He's not the one to give up on faith.

23) Badass? Sometimes Tony and Phil, but I think it's Winter Soldier (not Bucky) and Dr. Strange. Winter Soldier just clears everything on his path and Stephen just doesn't care at all (certainly not in Ragnarok).

"You're... My... Mission...!"

"Alright. Bye-bye."

24) All the favorites I've named before. Plus Don Cheadle. Basically, all the Marvel actors but these are the best. But if I had to choose one: Seb Stan.

25) Seb.

26) Wanda, right? I mean, she's not quite experienced. But if she were, she'd be able to throw everyone on the ground.



27) Bruce. I know Tony has an IQ of 270, but at least Bruce thinks about his decisions.

28) Stark. I don't like people who are full of themselves and get too much attention. I don't hate him, he's hilarious. RDJ is amazing.

29) Loki. I know he's getting his own series (LUCKILY), but in the movies, he was treated like shit.

30) Captain America: Civil War. It had so many sad scenes, but it was hilarious, entertaining, Bucky had a lot of screen time and lines...

*Mackie and Seb playing "Cap-Iron-Spidey" instead of "Rock-Paper-Scissors" in an interview*

*Mackie chooses Iron, Seb Cap*

Mackie: ooh

Seb: *points at poster* which is DA MOVEH!

31) Leave your own answers in the comments if you wanna.

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