Chapter Five

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He tried to wash it off, but he still smelled the blood. He tried to sleep it off, but he still saw everybody's terrified expressions. He tried to forget, but all the pain he felt then, was eating him alive. He was scared of being kicked off the team, he was scared of hurting anybody else, he was scared of himself.

"I can't believe he did that." Cyborg said in disbelief, rubbing the back of his neck. "None of us can, I don't know what to do with him." Robin said shaking his head and propping himself onto the sofa. "What do you mean you don't know what to do with him anymore?" Raven asked defensively, standing in front of Robin with her arms crossed. "He killed someone Raven! We have a strict no killing policy." Robin said, rubbing his hands together nervously. "How dare you even think about kicking him off the team, he was protecting us!" Raven shouted, getting closer to Robin. "That still doesn't make it right." Robin said, unable to meet Raven's deadly glare. "So I guess being our enemies apprentice in order to save your friend's is right? Or is it only okay when you do it? God, you know, at least Beast Boy didn't lie to us or make us think he would never betray us. He fought to protect us, he never hurt us but you did. We never once turned our backs on you, so why would we turn our backs on him? Gorilla Grodd knew if he brought up everything from the past, Beast Boy would snap. I think we all would." Raven said, looking at all three Titan's, each nodding their heads to show they understood.

Beast Boy felt his heart drop, were his friends fighting because of him? He couldn't stand it anymore, he had to get away.

"Yo Rae! You want some pizza?" Cyborg yelled from the kitchen. "Not for me, but I'll get a few slices for Beast Boy." She said, stirring her tea. "Alright little lady." He said smiling at her and putting three slices of vegan pizza onto a plate. Raven grabbed the plate, a can of soda, her herbal tea, and went off to look for Beast Boy.

"Starfire, what the hell where you thinking tonight?!" Robin yelled, slamming his fist onto the kitchen table. "Excuse me?" Starfire said, sitting down next to Cyborg, looking up at Robin with a puzzled expression. "Your mad at me, I get it. But that gives no right to go off and flirt with some guy during our mission!" He yelled. "Was that not what you were doing with Barbara? Flirting with her during our mission?" Starfire said, waiting for a reply while eating her pizza. "That's different, I know her. You don't even know that guy." Robin said in a rude and demeaning tone. "I talked to him briefly, Roy is a very sweet and charming boy." She said, smiling down at her pizza before getting up and walking to her room. "What the hell just happened?" Robin asked, sitting down next to Cyborg. "Looks like little miss sunshine just gave you a taste of your own medicine." Cyborg laughed, patting Robin on the back.

"May I sit here?" Raven asked in a kind and shy voice. "You really wanna sit next to a killer?" Beast Boy asked, trying to skip rocks but failing miserably. "The boy I know you to be is not a killer, your a good person with a good heart. You were just pushed to you're limit." Raven said, looking at Beast Boy. "So, may I sit here?" She asked shyly once again. "I guess." Beast Boy said, managing not to look at her. "I brought you some food, thought you might be hungry." She said, sliding the plate towards him. He took the plate and gave her a slight smile. There was an awkward silence, both teens not really knowing what to say to one another. "Thank you... For sticking up to Robin for me. It really means a lot." Beast Boy said looking at the waves crash against rocks. "You would do the same for me." She said, removing her hood. Beast Boy couldn't help but look at her beautiful face. Her eye's seemed to shimmer, her features looked amazing, her hair moved with the light wind, and her skin glowed in the moonlight. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, looking away from her. "Anything." She said, still looking at the ocean. "When I did what I did, you were the only person who didn't look scared of me or what I would do. Why?" He asked, looking at her with a worried expression. "I wasn't afraid because I know you would never do anything to hurt us, you were only trying to protect the people you care about." She said with a kind voice. "How could you be so sure I wouldn't hurt you guys as well?" He asked. "The Beast saved my life twice, he is not a threat. I trust him as much as I trust you." She said giving him a sweet and reassuring smile. "How could you trust me? I killed someone Raven! I'm a monster..." He said, his voice breaking, and resting his head in his hand's. "You're a lot of things Garfield, but you are not a monster, at least not to me. You did what you did to protect us, you saved not only my life but everyone else's. You avenged you're parents and The Doom Patrol's death. You sound more like a hero to me." Raven said trying to cheer Beast Boy up. "How do understand me so well?" Beast Boy said smiling at her. "Because that 'monster' you have inside of you, is the same monster I have inside of me. It's a constant struggle to keep it locked away, that's why I meditate. The only difference is that you could embrace you're emotions, I fear mine. I can't afford to feel anything or I could hurt everyone around me..." She said, biting her lip to keep it from trembling, tears running down her face. Beast Boy had never thought about it, all this time he thought she would just block everyone out of her life for no reason. She had no other choice, she couldn't complain about it like he was, she had to go through it by herself. "Come here." He said softly, pulling her into a hug. "I'm so scared." She said, hugging him tight and resting her head on his shoulder. "It's okay, you have me and I have you. We'll get through this together." He said holding her close.

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