Summer in New York

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As the teenagers left the cafe, the tension between the two girls grew bigger. They all walked towards the amusement park which was really close to Starbucks. As they walked in silence, Sadie decided to start a conversation.

"So, Valerie, when did you start watching stranger things" the redhead asked her trying to break the awkwardness.

"Right when it came out. I'm such a big fan of the show. I even wanted to audition but i'm kinda shy" Daphne responded turning her head to Teah and fake smiling.

"Oh well i'm sure there are some extras, maybe you should audition, that would be great" Caleb added and shook the blonde's shoulder.

Teah was purely disgusted. How can this girl have that type of scheming genes at such a young age. Maybe she was now involved with something more than high school drama.

"Omg really! That would be so awesome" Daphne jumped excited.

Teah clenched her fists getting angrier by the second. She was really tempted to fire back at Daphne but Noah took her hand noticing she was getting mad.

He was right, it's best to stay quiet, better for everyone, she thought to herself.


When they got to the park they quickly bought some tickets but now they couldn't really decide...

Did they feel like scaring the crap out of themselves on the roller coasters?

Maybe catching the fresh summer air on the swings?

Or maybe even getting a milkshake in this insanely hot weather?

"I vote roller coasters" Finn exclaimed while playing with his ticket.

"Same" Noah and Teah replied in unison and then let out a small laugh.

"Well then i'm gonna go with you guys" Daphne added and smirked while Teah scoffed at her comment.

Finn couldn't help but notice that though.

"Something wrong Teah?" Finn asked her clearly suprised by the brunette's sassy attitude.

"Nothing. Let's go" Teah changed the subject, thinking hopefully the curly haired boy bought it.


The four teenagers got to the huge blue roller coaster which was high so much it even got to some buildings.

"Uh, Finn are you really sure about this. Maybe we better go join the others and go get a-"

"Awww, looks like someone's a scaredy-cat" Teah cut Daphne off and let out a chuckle.

"Fine. I'll go" Daphne answered, thirsty to prove herself to the group.

"Hey, babe. We don't have to-" Finn reassured her who was already annoyed with Teah.

"No it's okay i've been to roller coasters before" Daphne fake smiled while Teah let out a scoff, again, and quickly got a seat next to Noah. 

Their seats we're in front of Finn and Daphne's close to the first seats on the roller coaster.

All of them put their safety belts on, inpatiently waiting for the ride to start.

As all of them were slowly getting tired of waiting a sudden bump. Next thing they know, they are flying to the sky so quick you couldn't say cheese. Daphne screamed and continued tightly squeezing Finn's hand while Teah was laughing but also felt a bit terrified. Another sudden turn shocked them and Teah wrapped her arms around Noah squeezing her eyes tightly from the adrenaline she just felt.

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