Chapter Fifty-Three: Lucrezia de' Medici

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29th of April 1534 - Southampton

Staring out of the window of the chambers that she had been given, Lucrezia de' Medici could not help put think about how things had changed so much since her father had passed; he would have loved to be a guest of the King of England. 

Her heart ached at the thought, she had greatly missed her parents and she knew that they would have done everything in their power to protect their family from the ruin that had nearly consumed them. 

After her father's death, Lucrezia had feared that her family legacy destroyed because of her brother's incompetence; she had been forced to watch as her brothers fled into exile. 

It most certainly did not help her cause that her husband had been a supporter of the new rulers of Florence; not that it had stopped her sending funds to Piero in hopes that he might raise an army to be restored. 

It was only through her brother, Giovanni's election as Pope were, they returned to Florence but she had found herself unable to trust that they would hold Florence forever. 

Her dear sweet Giuliano had been an amazing man, he had sort her advice when he had been the Ruler of Florence; she had held high hopes for his children only for them to nearly be crushed by Giulio. 

Anger filled her at that, Giulio had used his position as Pope to try and fix the issues that plagues their family; wishing to repay the kindness that her father, his uncle had shown him. 

The fact that he had commanded Clarice to come here and degrade herself like a common whore; she had no doubts that Giuliano had rolled over in his grave for that one. 

Thought it had pleased her when she had heard that Clarice had defied his orders, finding herself instead married into the new Queen of England's family and a confidant to her. 

Lucrezia had been a prisoner alongside her cousin when he had been captured by the Emperor, she would not forgive that nor could she forgive Giulio for bowing down to the man and doing as he wished while they were his hostages. 

It had led not only to the disgrace of the holy seat that he held but Lucrezia knew that even now his actions were called into question; no one would forget the Pope that bowed down to a King and made him an Emperor for his own comfort.

"Mother?" Lorenzo Salviati asked stepping into the cabin, he did not wish to disturb her and her musings but he could not afford to wait anymore; he had been most surprised when she had announced her decision to come to England. 

He closed the door behind him and edged forward, she looked tired and the trip had not been an easy one; there was no doubt if their intentions were discovered that they would be in great danger. 

"Are you certain?" Lorenzo murmured not seeing why him or one of his brothers could not do the task that she had come here to do; he saw no reason to bring in those who had fled Italy and defied the Pope himself. 

Though he supposed that he too now followed that path, he had accompanied his mother to make certain that she was safe and well; his father having remained in Florence to cover up their absence. 

"You may be my son. But a true Medici is needed, the wrong committed by his Holiness needs to be corrected," Lucrezia told him firmly, she did not wish for her sons to get any grand ideas for she knew if this was to work then they would be reward for it. 

Giulio had been a fool to install Alessandro as the Ruler of Florence, his actions concerned Lucrezia, he was greatly disliked by the people and she would not stand for him tarnishing the name of her family. 

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