Chapter 7

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Bathtime Fun

   *Author's Note at the end of this chapter (please read).*

Derin's P.O.V

   "Can we watch a movie?" I asked

   "Oooh yes! I'll go make some popcorn," Ava said excitedly, "what type a movie were you thinking of?"

   "I was kinda craving to watch some horror," I replied.

   "Really? You know how much I dislike horror. You even get scared while watching it." Ava whined.

   "Yeah but I like being scared."

   "Fine, we'll watch a horror movie then."

   I jumped up and ran off to grab a horror movie from my room. I soon came back with the movie and an addition of a pillow and small blanket. I set up the movie before taking a seat on the floor next to Lock and wrapping myself up in my blanket. I heard Locklin chuckle a bit at me making me roll my eyes at him in response. I soon felt my blanket being tugged at and I turned to see Locklin pulling at my blanket.

   "What do you want?' I asked.

   "I want this," Locklin said, pulling at my blanket more.

   "Here, we can share if you want," I said while wrapping some of my blanket around him.

   Locklin smiled and moved in closer to me. Soon Ava came back and we started watching the movie. Leif, Locklin and Rhys seemed completely fine with the movie. Asch was terrified but was trying not to show it (though he did have a grip on Rhys). Noi, Ava and I were completely terrified. Noi was covering his face with his hands, Ava had hers buried in Pierce's arm (Pierce wasn't terrified though he was visibly disturbed by the movie) and I was hugging my pillow and blanket some with my face in my pillow.

   "You're quite childish by the way you react to being scared. Besides, it's not even that terrifying," Locklin scoffed at me, "it's cute though seeing you jump and squeal."

   "Hmpf," I pouted at him before jumping at a sudden jumpscare.

   I instinctively turned to Locklin and grabbed him whilst burying my face into his chest. He jumped slightly at my sudden action before relaxing and pulling me into his embrace. I looked up slightly to see him red in the face a bit from blushing. I remained cuddling Locklin for the rest of the movie. Once it was over Locklin remained holding me with a tight grip, preventing me from getting up. I tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp but had no success in doing so. Eventually I gave up and decided to lay myself down on his lap. Locklin smiled before rubbing my head gently which soon led me to fall asleep.

   I woke up strangely in the middle of a dark forest. Confused, I got up and started to look around some. After walking a bit I heard something.

   "Derin!" An oddly familiar voice called.

   "Who's there?!" I yelled out.

   "Derin!" It called out again, "Run Derin!"

   Worryingly I began looking around. The voice kept yelling at me to run while growing louder each time and I soon began to panic. Then I heard fast footsteps coming up behind me. I caught a glimpse of some shadowy figures with red glowing eyes. I began bolting away from there. As I ran, trees and branches seemed to reach towards me and grab and rip my skin and clothing. With every step I took my path seemed to narrow. The voice was screaming so loudly now that I could barely make out any words and the footsteps behind me started to grow faster. Suddenly, a root grabbed me by the ankle causing me to trip and fall off of a steep edge. As I fell I began to scream.

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