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Its August 11,1999 in a hot windy night. You could hear the sound of a thousand men running swiftly trying to hunt down the blue witch through the immense forest. I quickly ran through trees trying not to fall, while I carry the weight of my two beautiful twin baby girls, that just hours ago I gave birth to, remembering sadly that I haven't yet given a name to her, Suddenly i hear the men getting closer by the minute howling out "give us the baby girl Claire, you will be able to have who isn't the demon blue witch!! She belongs to hell!!" Then, I begin to immediately make a portal to the human world, I grab a hold of my baby girl, i get her closer to me to give her a kiss on the forehead. I start to quickly think of a name for her then I think of a beautiful name that suits her "violet" " My beautiful princess violet one day you and Luna will ruinite once again soon.But, for now Luna has to stay with me, since I'm sending you off where you will be safe from here. They say that your the blue witch like your great grandmother but she did a lot of mistakes that was forbidden to speak of now, Even though I know that you will be the most powerful witch that there is now.You will know what's the good from bad, which I believe you will do many good thing for us in the future." I hear the men getting closer, I grab Luna and carefully put her on the ground, she crawls toward my feet, to grab a hold of my foot begins to look up at me giggling. On her right side of her collarbone you can see a glint of her birth mark shaped like a star, just like violet has a moon on hers. Both of them have symbols for each other, that could always bring them back together once again. Quickly I whisper the spell to make the portal work. I imagine in my mind for her to go to an orphanage that looked nice, it was in San Francisco that looked the most beautiful for her to stay in.So then I dropped her in a casket and she begins to float a little in the air,finally lands on the front door.I then knock. I wait a little to hear the door before I close the portal, few minutes after I see a young women looking like shes beginning to enter her thirtys,with long hair mid way to her back,her hair was dark brown that had a bit Ombre to it but fading. After opening the door she hears a loud cry coming from below the steps but didn't know what it was making it, but only saw a light brown casket there. She slowly walked up to it and looked into it and to her surprise she saw a baby girl there crying, she looked around with curiosity in her eyes to see if anyone left any note for her, but sadly she didn't find anything. So, immediately she grabbed the baby carefully, then she looked surprised when the baby stopped crying that returned with laughter. After, she rushed to get her inside, with that she closed the door. Finally, I grabbed Luna, while looking back to the outside world,before leaving I whispered out teleportly to her, "I love you, take care my violet".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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