Knowledge dispenser

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Em: Heyo, welcome to this thing. Before I set my characters loose here, I'm going to explain what kind of truths or dares I won't accept.

Yuri:  *poking her head in from the other room* can I help?

Em: oh, sure! Everyone, this is Yuri Heartstrings, the ultimate reporter.

Yuri: Please to meet y'all! In a way...?

Em: I'm going to accept basically any dare-

Yuri: but not those that are gory, right?

Em: yes.

Yuri: Is that all?

Em: Yeah, That should be it. You can go get your boyfriend now~

Yuri, bright red: Hey! Don't call him that! He's just a friend!

Em: uh-Huh. That's what they all say~

Yuri: I'm tired of this conversation.

*Yuri walks out of the room.*

*Em follows Yuri.*

Em: Everyone introduce yourselves.

???: we already know each other?

???: no one asked, you f***ing *sshole!

Yuri: Jeremiah, Zach, now's not the time.

Jeremiah: Alright, fine.

Em: you do see the large video camera I'm holding, right?

???: oh, lemme help you with that!

Em: thanks!

Yuri: Jeremiah, why don't you go first?


Yuri: pleaaaaaaaaaaaase?

Jeremiah: will you stop with the puppy dog eyes? Fine, I'll go first. My name is Jeremiah Baxtrom and I'm the ultimate rebel leader.

Zach: between you and me, his rebel group is trash and disgusting and a f***ing danger to f***ing society.

Jeremiah: Why  you little-

*Jeremiah is yanked back from Zach as Yuri grabs him by his collar.*

Yuri: Jeremiah, please try to act civilized in front of the camera.

Jeremiah: Lemme at him!

Yuri: You really want me to wear orange?

*Jeremiah huffs, but doesn't respond.*

Yuri: that's what I thought. In any case, the other boy was Zachary Gorgan, the ultimate thief.

???: Hey, um, hello? Um, not sure if you can hear me, but uh, my name is Pippa Takahaske and I'm the ultimate Poet.

Yuri: um, Pips? You're offscreen.

Pippa: oh, sorry! *she steps onscreen and does a half wave.* can you see me now?

Yuri: you're good!

Natsu: Hey, I'm Natsu Otama and I'm the ultimate oceanographer. As in, I take pictures of the ocean. Someone didn't do their research when designing me *cough* *cough*.

Em: Hey! I was younger and more foolish then!

???: I'm Sora Yotaharo, I know you can't see me at the moment, but I'm the ultimate fireman.

Em: lemme prop the camera on this handy dandy stand Natsu let me borrow.

Sora: oh nice, you can see me now

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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