a mistaken title

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As Rachel was walking towards the exit of firefly path, Blane says hmm... Rachel? I do believe you are being stalked, by a grimm reaper.

Rachel unsheathed blood cross and said ya know what Blane? you just might be right. show yourself, or feel the wrath of lucifers sword!

A boy walks out from behind a tree and said hmm... interesting, well! that settles it! i am officially lost. I knew i should have grabbed that darned map from the desk drawer. Gah! I'm such an idiot! now i'm lost...

Rachel jumps down from the highest tree branch and glared at the boy and Blane asks Well, what'll you do? will you kill him? or will you help get outta here?

Rachel stopped glaring and steps one footstep back before asking what is it? The boy raised a brow and asked what is what? and who are you? Rachel's eye twitched as it glowed bright red. She replies with Do not answer a question with another! you know exactly what i was asking!

Rachel's grip on her blade tightened intensely along with her enraging fury. The boy stepped forward and said the names Keith, please, do try to calm down.

Rachel's stomach gowled and she blushed. Keith reaches im his rucksack and pulls out a bento box and said with the intensity of that growl i'd say you haven't eaten in three days. here, eat up.

blane appears and asks You're awefully nice for a grimm reaper aren't you? Keith pushed blane back and said that's only a nickname i get since i hunt a lot of big game animals.

Blane re-enters the sword and Rachel said I will help you get out of firefly path and back to the entrance but nothing more.

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