01: Introduction

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I've never been the type of person who shows their true emotions, I guess you could  say I was the girl who always had a smile on her face even though she was most likely dying inside.

Sorry should have probably introduced myself before babbling about my life.
I'm Isabelle Davids, 18 years old and I've got an older brother Shawn, you'll meet him at a later stage,but yeah. Oh wait there is one more thing I have to say that I can't quite put my finger on.. oh well it'll probably come back to me.

"So your coming to my house after school right" my best friend Jordan asked,ah Jordan we've been friends since pre-school and we have basically been insperable ever since "was that an actual question or were you stating that?" I asked her, it's true every single day it would either be she would come over to my house or I would come over to her house, either way we always went home with each other.

"Uhm yeah, you driving though right?" even though we both had our drivers licenses I always hated driving, I think it was just because I always had to be on alert and I just didn't feel for that today.

"You know you always do this, but that's why I got Timothe to drive us home" dammmm....I know im probably being a bad friend right now but Timothe is a gorgeous Greek god, I was so surprised when I found out that Jordan and Timothe were twins. I mean I love Jordan but her twin could knock me up anytime and I wouldn't mind.

"Doesn't he have baseball practice today?" Even though I would have loved Timothe to drive us home, I dont think it would have been a really good idea.
Why you ask?

Let's backtrack real quick ~~~~~~~
It was two years ago when it happened both Jordan and Timothe were at my house for a playdate when we got the news, their parents had died on impact in a car accident, Jordan was in tears and Timothe, he just looked broken, almost lost. That night the fawn twins slept over at my house Jordan in my room and Timothe in the guest bedroom. I had finally gotten Jordan to bed,she was heartbroken, not one but both her parents had died,I could not even imagine the pain she felt but I had to be there for her, and Timothe as well but he just seemed so out of it i-i didn't know weather to approach him and see if he was okay or let him be by himself. Once Jordan was finally asleep in my room I went downstairs to drink a glass of water, as I was making my way down the stairs I heard the slightest of sniffles. Once I had fully descended from the stairs I saw Timothe crying at the kitchen sink.

I knew he was hurting,but what I couldn't understand was why he never let me in.

Timothe and I were quite close back in primary school(that's elementary school) but for some reason he started pulling away from my friendship, even though he never explained why he ditched me I still supported him every step of the way.

I approached Timothe, laying my hand on his shoulder, I could see the shudder he felt once I had placed my hand on his shoulder.

He turned around slowly looking straight into my eyes. I couldn't bare to look him in the eyes so I kept my sight on my bare feet on the kitchen floor.

He brought his hand up to my chin and made me look into his eyes "why you up so late" his voice full of hurt, his eyes reddened from all the crying and a slight storm of saddness and hurt rolled up into one.

It took quite a while for any of us to say anything both us staring into the others eyes,"where's Jordan ?" He finally broke the silence "uhm. She's asleep in my room." I didn't know why that question was so hard for me to answer but once he stared into my eyes, its as if time almost stood still.

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine,I didn't know what was happening, I was to shocked to move any muscle in my body.

He finally retracted his lips from mine looking into my eyes,"was I reading your signs wrong or something?" He seemed pretty upset when I didn't answer him back. Signs? What fricken signs did he mean?

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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