chapter 4

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Payton POV
( before the call)
I was hanging out with Jackson Jaden and Josh we were playing truth or dare
J- Jackson Ja- Jaden Jh- Josh
J- Payton truth or dare
P- truth
Ja- pussy
P- fuck off
J- is it true that you like Y/n
Payton blushed and they all laugh
P- y-yes
Jh- really you like Jacksons ex
P-ya I'm sorry Jax
J- nah its fine I miss her sometimes but I ship y'all
P- thanks man
P- anyways Josh truth or dare
Jh- dare
P- I dare you to kiss jaden
Jh- fine 🙄
Ja- do I get a say ?
Jh+P- no
Ja- fine
Josh went over to Jaden and reluctantly gave him a peck on the lips they both started fake gagging
J- you 2 are so dramatic
They both just laugh Josh then went back to where he was sitting
Jh- Jackson truth or dare
J- Dare
Jh- I dare you to give Payton a hickey
J- what the fuck no way
Jh- you have to
J- fine
Jackson went over to Payton and started sucking on his next Payton had an akaward look on his face as his bestfriend gavw him a hickey Jackson pulled away leaving a dark red hickey on Payton's neck
J- Jaden truth or dare
Ja- truth
J- ok have you ever cheated on mads
Ja- nope and i never will
*cue the song "what a lie what a lie what a lie "sorry I had to*
Ja- Payton truth or dare
P- I'll pick date this time
Ja- I dare you to call y/n and tell her you like her
P- I dont have her number
J- I do
P- stfu Jackson
Jackson rolls his eyes and gives Payton the phone number Payton calls her

Bold- Payton
Regular- you

Hey princess

How the fuck did you get my number Payton

Oh Jackson gave it to me baby girl

OK well can you like leave me alone I don't want to have to listen to you outside if school to

Wow that's just rude

What the hell do you want Payton


Excuse me

Don't make me repeat myself

Fine then I'll repeat myself what the hell do you want Payton

I'll repeat to you

Wtf does that mean

How dumb are you I like you y/n

Excuse me you hurt me almost everyday mentally and physically and almost killed me then you tell me you like me come on Payton I'm not stupid enough to fall for you bullshit

But y/n I actually do like you

Save you fake sob story Payton you don't give a fuck about me and you never have don't  call me again you dumb bitch

End of convo

Payton sighed as a singular tear ran down his face

J- yo payton whats wrong
P- s-she doesn't believe me
Ja- probably because you beat her up daily
Jh- dude shut the fuck up
Ja- sorry
J- if you want her to believe you they you're going to have to prove it to her

A/N I haven't updated this in forever I don't think anyone even reads this story but I think I'm going to start updating it again also im working on my Tayler and Bryce all book right now so a new chapter should be out soon

Bullied • Payton Moormeier • ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now