Chapter 1

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I wandered the icy mountain tops for years now, everyone thinking I'm dead. It's been nothing but painful and boring. No heists, no daring escapes, even the people here are too nice to start fights with, just cold summers and even colder winters. I've had enough of hiding though, I'm ready to get back into business.
On my long and dangerous trek back home I pass by a bar, since it's been hours since I've started my journey through the ruthless winter snow I thought a couple of drinks couldn't hurt. Little did I know that this one pitstop would change my life forever.
The bar is filthy, littered with broken glass, food, and some questionable looking liquids spread around the bathroom door. Neon signs almost burn your eyes out the minute you look up, and the multiple TVs playing doesn't help the already loud people. It's crowded with strange yet familiar faces but one stands out to me. A man, around his mid-twenties hunched over the bar, with bright red headphones hanging low on his head. Without a doubt I knew it was him. In that moment I froze, I didn't know what to do, would he be mad if I just suddenly showed up? Could I live with myself if I just left the bar? Suddenly, his eyes wander around the bar and his gaze soon meets mine.
"Henry..?" He says
Still frozen with fear I say nothing.
Getting up from his bar stool he exclaims "Henry! I thought you were dead!"
"Haha... well things change..." I nervously laugh back to him
"C'mon lets get you a drink... on me."
He leads me back to the bar counter and takes a seat next to an empty stool. He doesn't seem mad so I join him.
"So what have you been doing all this time?"
I don't know what to say, there is so much I want to tell him about but none of it makes it out of my mouth, instead I stammer and say, "O-oh y'know... a little of this... and uh... that."
"Hey, man are you alright? You look kind of out of it."
Normally I don't let the outcome of my missions get to me that often but just being alone, forgotten, and mainly bored has made a lot more emotional.
"Yeah... just readjusting to, erm, things."
"Well, at least I have some pretty cool stories to tell you!"
Since I need a little pick-me-up I decide to listen to Charles' insane story. He lost me on a couple of parts but it was something about seeing how many bugs he could get on his windshield but it suddenly ended when he found out he crashed right into the enemy base. I seriously have no idea how this man is still alive.
"Henry, I wish you were there you would of loved it! You should come back and do a mission with me sometime."
I've never thought of that, going back to work with the military... it could help me get out of some sticky criminal situations under the name Henry Stickmin, and working with Charles is always an experience.
"I dunno, I'll have to think about it"
"Well if you ever change your mind you'll know where we are."
And just like that he was gone, as soon as I finally felt something being filled in my heart he left, before I could feel like everything was normal again.
I make my way to the city and I get an apartment. One room small kitchen, small bathroom, and I don't even bother with a bed so I just sleep on the couch. It's a very dingy apartment with terribly laugh neighbors but I don't care enough to actually put effort into looking for a place. It's been a couple of days since I sat down and talked to Charles yet I can't stop thinking about it. I'm Henry Stickmin! I should be stealing treasure, dodging the law! Not trying to work for those goody two-shoes! Yet I can't help thinking about it and what'd be like if I went back to help them.
I grab a slice of pizza from the fridge, still cold, and sit down on the couch. I turn on the TV to see something on the news about the Toppat Clan and space or whatever but I instantly flip the channel to some stupid game show. It's really crappy with really stupid contestants and even stupider questions but it's something to get my mind off of that meeting so I keep watching as everyone on set screams at someone saying a single syllable.

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