Chapter 2

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I don't know how this happened by I find myself standing in front of the entrance to the military base. I don't even remember walking over here, everything has just been a blur since last night.

"This is a stupid idea..." I mumble to myself, but before I get the chance to turn around and leave I hear him call out to me.

"Henry! You decided to take up my offer!" Charles says as he runs towards me

"Oh, uh, yeah..." Yet again I am speechless. I really don't know what I should do. No one told me it was going to be this hard to regain your footing after being presumably dead for a couple of years, though in hindsight I probably should of planned this out before I came back.

"C'mon let's hurry and get you enlisted with General Galeforce!"

Since I'm here I decide to follow him, it's not like I have anything better to do. We walk into the camp, green tents set up as far as the eye could see. What looks like hundreds of members scrambling between tents, I hear people shouting what I assume to be orders but there was too much hubbub for me to be able to make out any words.

"Sorry everything is a mess right now," Charles explains "everyone is kind of wound up about the new Toppat Clan spaceship thingy."

Oh yeah, I completely forgot that was kinda a thing going on right now.

We finally make it to the General's tent, once inside there are a couple of men surround to the general, pointing to some maps and charts and some other complicated to machines.

General Galeforce looks up and shouts at us, "Charles, where have you been!? We need all hands on deck right now!"

"Sorry, sir, I was just bringing in a new recruit."

I walk into the tent with an awkward wave.

"Henry? Henry Stickmin? From the Toppat Clan operation?"

"Yes, sir, I thought he would be a valuable asset to the team."

Hearing that makes me a bit sad, hearing that he only reached out to me just to use me as a tool for the military. I push back those feelings for now, I have more important things to do right now.

"Hmm... we could use someone like him. We don't have much time to train him so stick around Charles and he'll show the ropes."

"Haha, looks like we are teaming up once again!"

For some reason this puts me back in a good mood and I confidently say, "Yeah, let's go!"

We didn't really do any important missions today just menial tasks but I really enjoyed them. I felt happy for the first time in forever... maybe... maybe I do belong here?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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