Chapter 1;Drugged and Dragged

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no one's p.o.v
The Young H/C Girl was sitting on the swing of her Old Dusty Brown Pourch when She heard a Strange noise. Where was it coming from?,she asked herself. It only Took a few more seconds for the Girl To relize where it was coming from..The place she was Forbidden To go into, The Slender Forest. Did The Young girl belive the rumors about that forest,No. Has she Ever wanted to go in there,Yes..Now was her Chance To Sneak Into The Forest without being Noticed...Oh boy would she regret that...
シ︎Y/N's p.o.vシ︎
Running..It felt like all i was doing was running..which is Such a Horrible feeling..While i was daydreaming, i Tripped over a large Tree Root, I heard a Crack and a thump, then real quick shuffling. Some weird guy Guy With Goggles Stated, "My name Is T-oby, *Tic* I'm no-t her-re To hurt You love, I'm here To pr-otect y-you." Then i passed out. Though I was knocked out i could still feel, i felt my body being dragged across the ground and the dirt going into my shirt.
After that everything went blank. Then Hours Later I was walking there was some conversation with that Toby guy..i don't remember clearly...But Not long after Me and "Toby" finished our Conversasion, i felt warm and sleepy, so i simply slept. The last thing i Remember is me Thinking "What bad could a sweetheart do?.."
Re-Writen chap. 1 Doneeeee!
265 words

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