Chapter 2: Joining the Guild pt.1

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Me and Amelia went through Flower Town is what she calls it. There is a shopping district, a food court, and a large building shaped like a head  and 2 armoured Pokemon in front of the entrance. My thought where interrupted by Amelia.

"Its a beautiful town, is it not?" she said.

"Yeah it is. So where is this guild?" I replied.

"It should be a big building with a head of a dog." Amelia answered.

With that we went to that building with a head of a dog. After we found the building we were about to enter, but were stoped by 2 Pokemon that looks like a knight with two lances.

"State your business here," said the guard.

"We wanted to join the guild here, please." Amelia replied.

"Alright, just follow me. Brother, guard the entrance for me." one of the guards said.

So we followed him to the office. The guard knocked on the door and then a dog like Pokemon came out of it.

"Hello there, my name is Lucien the Lucario and I am the Guild Master here. Are you going to be new members?" she said.

"Umm yes, we are" Amelia replied.

"Alright, follow me to the recruiter so we can get you into the guild." She said.

We followed Lucien to one of the stands with a sheep looking Pokemon. It has a what looks to be a slot for his tail.

"Are these new members of our guild, Master?" he asked.

"Why yes, they are. So what are your names?" Lucien replied.

"M-my name is Amelia and this is Schrwine." Amelia answered.

"Welcome to the Guild! You may take a job now if you want to, but first we have to give you a tour around the guild. Ampharos, could you get Vulpix to give them a tour around the guild?" Lucien said.

"Yes, Master." Ampharos replied.

And with that the sheep like Pokemon's tail light up in an orange and within few seconds, a fox-like Pokemon with six tails appeared at the door.

"How may help you, Master." the fox-like Pokemon said.

"Yes, Vulpix, could you give the new members a tour around the guild?" the aura user said.

"Yes, Master. You two come with me and I'll show you the guild." Vulpix said.

"Okay." We said at unison.

We followed Vulpix and we went to what looks to be a receptionist.

"This is our receptionist and medic, Audino. She's the one who heals and greets us." She said, then she waved at Vulpix.

Audino waved back. We went to see what looks like a construction site.

"And this is where Machocke and Conkeldurr work. They're carpenters here. They make new rooms for the guild and they are very strong fighters." she said.

To Be Continued <-------- 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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