No fair... I want powers!

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Chapter 3: No fair... I want powers

9:15ish, Saturday, 15 minutes after the dentist appointment started.

"Aaah! It worked!"

"Who is awakening me when it's my day off?" I yawned.

"Hola. We got a whole day since Mom and Sam won't be here and Dad is at work."

I shot up, "How about we try to go to your world and back and then try to discover world three?"


"So how does it work?"

"I concentrate really hard?"

"On what?"

"Oh. You. I mean, I wrote to the weird lady and she said that after I've been to a specific dimension, I should "Focus on my cosmic twin and what makes them different from me." You can also apparently focus on the words 'World (insert number here),' or you could catch her in a good mood and ask her to teleport you. Um, she also explained the charms. Apart from being ID tags, the jewel on the right is a communicator. Press it once and you say what world or world you want to call. Press it twice, state who you're talking to and you send an audio message. The left gem tells me that you want to go to a different world or that you need me or another twin. When I push it, a holographic image thingy will appear, showing me all of the worlds that want to be transported."

"Cool! So basically, we got communicators."

"Yup! Let's go!"

Time skip brought to you by the cry, "For Brooklyn!" - After jumping to and from the second world, and several attempts to reach the third later.

"Maybe we should ask Ms. Opal to transport us?" We had decided to name the lady in the letter Opal. We would have gone with Violet, but we know someone named Violet and it would be very confusing. Thus, Opal, though we would be open to suggestions because we weren't quite sure as Opal Koboi is a bad guy, er, girl? gal?

"No! I have a feeling that it's gonna work."

"Whatever. One more try."

Purple mist started swirling around in a circle, sort of like the portals in the Kane Chronicles or even the portals through the shadow realm.

"Don't get me wrong, but isn't it getting a little weird how everything is in purple?"

"It's like they know everything about you and are accommodating to meet your standards."

We sidestepped into the mist.

"What the schist?"

"We should probably break that habit. Hi! Read this letter." Numero Dos handed Numéro Trois the paper from before. While she reads I will describe us, because I just realize that you have no idea what I look like. I'm 5'10 1/2", hazel eyed with a light dusting of freckles. My hair is blackish brown and stops somewhere between my ear and the middle of my neck. When I don't have to follow a dress code, I usually wear a shirt supporting Texas in general, Texas Tech University, or something nerdy/geeky with some leggings and my trusty grey flip-flops.(A/N A couple hours after I wrote this sentence my shoes broke :( ) Yes, I live in Florida, yet I have all this Texas stuff. We Texans sure are proud. Also, do you know how many people think I'm sixteen?

Number Three looked relieved. "Does this mean that y'all can help me?" "With what?" "Oh... I guess you can't help me then. Yesterday, I, um, fell into a book. Like got freaking powers, like a freaking Avenger!"

 "Hold up, explain."

 "Yesterday, I, well, I, um, you know how sometimes, I, imagine what would happen if I was in a characters situation, or a part of the crowd, or something? So I was rereading The Prisoner of Azkaban, and sort of, I don't know? fell into the book and I was there, I talked to Harry Potter! I started to think about going back out of the book, and boom! I was back in my room. I tried again on a random (safe, no monsters) page in The Son of Neptune. I saw Hazel! And the other weird thing that happened was that when I returned, none of it was recorded in the book! I tried it again, and they remembered me, but also said it was weird, like they didn't remember I was there until I came back."

I looked amazed. "Oh. My. Gosh. You have super powers! Is there anyone else you know that has powers?"

"I don't know? The Avengers?"

"We meant real people, not movies," my original twin answered.

"What do you mean? They are real. There was an attack on New York a couple months ago. Do the Avengers exist in your world? Dimension? Realm?"

"I think any of those synonyms are fine, and the Avengers are just movies, comics, fanfiction... Wait!!!! Do you think we can contact S.H.I.E.L.D.? I mean, sometimes it seems like being a, a, um, what was it called?"

#2 answered "0-8-4, maybe?"

"Being that sometimes seems bad, but do you think we could convince them to treat us otherwise? I mean, we have a lot of valuable info on them."

"Pause, what are we talking about?" a very confused #3.

"Do you want to try to get the attention of a secret government that might be able to make you (cough, us, cough) into a superhero, even though it might take some convincing to make it happen?"

"You mean," she paused, "I could be an actual real hero?"

"Yep," said the me that can teleport. "Oh! I figured it out! In the letter it mentions Fury! We need to go talk to him!"

"Now we need to do three things, first, Ms. Superhero needs to go on a Marvel marathon. Second, we need to figure out how to contact SHIELD. Third, let's brainstorm nicknames. Not necessarily in that order."

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