Part 2

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written by Mack Writtens

photography by Mack Views

The three leave the castle and on down the road towards the forests. Grudgeons stands about 50 feet away from the two as they talk and walk.

"So, your majesty how -"

"Do me a favor. For this moment, and this moment only, call me Gladys."

"Okay. Gladys ..."

Overwhelmed with the responsibility to impress the queen, Pip looked into the stars for something to say. It was difficult to imagine Queen Gladys as not the queen, even for a second.

"How go the plans to rebuild the stables for Miss Laquite's beasts?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Wasn't it part of your weekly report to the town eight weeks ago."

Yes, but ... most people ... everyone ... ignored it ... I guess she thought so many people seemed uninterested in it, that she forgot I even brought up.

"The living conditions of the animals we eat, ride and companion are horrible. They deserve to have healthy living quarters as everyone else."

"I agree. I was inspired hearing your speech. I always am. Your predecessors would usually have advisers and other people do the reports on their behalf."

"My family rarely came out the house."

"Why you choose not to follow the footsteps of that tradition?"

"Everyone loves my parents, and the work they've done for Burlington. It makes it incredibly difficult to live up to the standard they have set. However, they had their flaws. They ignored inequality in the land. Those who worked the hardest were living the poorest and dying the earliest. Since they traveled so much, dealing with peace keeping, and trades, I was often at home alone. I would convince the guards to bring me into town for weekly strolls."

"Oh I know."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone would anticipate the days Princess Gladys would come visit the citizens of Burlington. Seeing you skip up and down the market, talk with everyone, and you even listened to their celebrations, their failures and their struggles. It was an admirable sight to see."

Gladys allowed her hand to lock with Pip's. He guided her the rest of the way, leading the front out of Burlington and towards the forest that bordered the queendom.

Swinging arms back and forth the stroll was inches away from the destination. The queen was suspicious, she had never been in this part outside of the town before. It didn't look quite familiar.

"Thank you. So where are you bringing me too?"


Pip pointed to a run-down shack right in front of the forest's entryway.

"Wait, is this ... is this what I think it is?"

"This is the house of King Regard and ..."

"Queen Elia. The first royal family of Burlington."

"Yes. A forgotten family. Those two warriors, in love, settled on this once empty land and built Burlington from scratch and fought off all that dared to invade."

"Their battles are legend. My mother would tell me stories of Queen Elia the Warrior at night. She was my idol. Still is. She sacrificed so much for her people. This is the house -".

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